PaRARGdox 09
Last ditch effort: So we are now in “present day” Magellan… and things are not looking good for our cadets and heroes. As mentioned earlier (I think) this is the third year for Kaycee and her fellow cadets… hence the red uniforms… that puts Olga and Brelvis et al in second year blue uniforms… and yes a whole bunch of first year cadets in mauve/purple. Things are looking preeeeetty bad right now… will any of them make it to the end of the day, let alone the end of the year?
“Magellan Forever!”: This isn’t the first time we’ve heard this battlecry… that was on page 6.301!
Families/Cемьи: New voting incentive featuring Red Vlad, Comrade Katya, Epoch, and Charisma kicks off March 1. Stay tuned!
Next update: Wednesday, February 26, 2020: The end?
Magellan Forever? Really? 😛
Wakanda doesn’t have a copyright on the word!
I first used Magellan Forever back in January 2017, a year before the Black Panther movie. Don’t know if they ever used it in the comics, presume they did but I hadn’t heard it before. Maybe they used it in Civil War, but I can’t remember. Anyway, I figured it was a reasonable, if somewhat cheesy, battlecry at the time. 😀
If someone raises a stink about “appropriation” or whatever. You could just change it to “For Magellan”, which, given the history of that name is practically the same sentiment.
Honestly, Kaycee should really look into getting some kind of face protection.
Once she becomes Maverick, she should adopt the full-face helmet, and not because she needs active life-support from it. Yeah, Boiler-Plate did in the other side of her futre-face.
Her… and everyone else without invulnerability!
But at the same time, she doesn’t have super strength so she’s limited on how much armor she can wear and against the foes she could face armor may be of limited use. So is it better to armor to maybe be able to tank a few hits or to spare yourself the weight to preserve your ability to dodge?
Then again, depending on the foe she may not be able to dodge either. Gotta find the right balance between defense and mobility with the knowledge that any random super could trump either or both.
From the appearance of Charisma there in panel 3, even the invulnerable types are in serious danger, black hole notwithstanding.
I think I see where this is going now. All I can say is that I’m hoping Kaycee, Charisma, and Mudge all end up in the same place. I think that would be some really interesting conflict.
Hmm, black holes do all sorts of weird stuff to time. I might be possible to use it to go some-when else. Like the song says, “Let’s do the time warp again!” I don’t think all that jumping around would actually help.
Possible next page:
“Charisma.” [ Pause ] “I was not expecting this reaction. Why are you hugging me?”
“It is so good to see you standing. I just saw you torn to bits by a black hole. I need your help.”
“Clearly. My psychiatric training is not that advanced, but I will do my best. You are clearly delusional.”
“No, you don’t understand. I am not the Charisma you know; she should still be around here somewhere. I am from the future and got thrown back in time when a black hole formed below Magellan Island. What day is it?”
“October 4, 2011. Rear-ward time travel violates multiple laws of physics, especially the laws of thermodynamics. Some other effect must be at play here. Judging by your appearance, I am inclined to believe something extreme happened to you, but it is clearly not what you think it is.”
“Okay, so we have a week before all hell breaks loose. So I am from a week in the future and I have come back in time to prevent it happening again. Do you remember the dragons that tore up the place during our freshmen year? That was caused by time travellers, older versions of some of us.”
“Your so-called time travellers would have had to come from an alternate universe which was further along in its temporal progress. If you are from a week ahead of this time, perhaps you are from an alternate universe that is very close to ours. The events that precipitated the formation of a gravitational singularity in your reality might not happen here.”
“Listen, in five days, a wormhole from Jupiter will open up to pump hydrogen from that planet to here. A bunch of nasty robotic-like things will come through as well. We have to stop this from happening.”
“Where does this wormhole open here?”
“In a processing plant about 200 miles from here. Once these little guys build up enough of a presence, they start spreading out all over the world. The various Magellan teams try to stop them, but they are fast and deadly. I mean, look at me; most of this was not caused by flying through a black hole, but getting swarmed by those little buggers! The world’s militaries were overwhelmed because they are set up to face each other, not these things.”
“If these things show up in five days, then we have time. Let’s go talk with your father and see what he says.”
Kaycee comes around the corner. “Charisma, what happened to you?! I just saw you talking with Billy over there. Did he …?”
“No, this wasn’t Billy. [ Sadly ] Oh, Billy. [ Slowly shakes her head, then resolve ] I’m from the future. This was caused by an invading swarm in a few days.”
love this comic so much 😀
Thanks! 😀
Can Sioni manipulate gravity enough to counter an artificial black hole? [ Checks cast page ] Oh, he just manipulates his own mass. Never mind.
He can also manipulate the gravity of anything he’s holding (as we saw with the Evil Weevil Robomat exercise back in Bad Karma)… but a black hole is pretty hard to hold!
Yeah, as Mudge said when we first saw him, “No touchy!”
It seems second year cadet jaxine didn’t make it in panel 6.
I think nobody made in panel 6.
Oh, you are referring to the lady with the wings face down in panel 5.
You know, the fact that Charisma’s all scratched up but isn’t even calling attention to it says something to me. Seems she’s gained a little maturity. That’s great strides for her.
That it’s happened in such an apparent short time probably says something as well.
It may be due to the lingering effects of the mind-meld inside Montana-Rose’s mind. Maybe Go!Anna told her off-panel to shut up and quit whining. “If you aren’t going to say anything useful, shut up so the rest of us can think!” The rest being Rochelle, Kaycee, Billy, etc.
Yep, looks like Marvin the Martian will have a good view of Venus again.
You mean Rargin the Rargian!
They’re from Jupiter though. Technically, Marvinski the New Moskowite is there now.
Actually, if a black hole replaces the Earth, then the view of Venus will be massively distorted due to gravitational lensing. Venus would appear brighter, but distorted into a crescent through a powerful enough telescope.
Aaaaaaaaand then the fledgling psychic wakes up screaming. In the middle of class. Naked.
Sonova crap!
*Really wakes up.*
This is bad. I must tell somebody!
*Double take*
But first… pants!