Families/Cемьи 02
The second page of a new voting incentive storyline Families/Cемьи is now available!
I mentioned last update that I’ve been working on this for some time… I first drafted this page some 7-8
years ago! Very glad I finally got it drawn and finished because I’m sooooo happy with how it turned out if I do say so myself.
The Pravda newspaper headline says “HEROES!”.
Anyway, Red Vlad and Comrade Katya were well known in the U.S.S.R. and the West during the early days of the Magellan-verse… this is their story… the Russian Soviet superheroes who we’ve only ever previously seen in one very tragic panel…
This is a voting incentive which I will be serialising weekly over on Top Webcomics. I find these extras – apart from being a great opportunity for me to explore other corners of the Magellan sandbox – do help to raise readership of the comic so your vote would not only raise awareness of Magellan but would also be massively appreciated!
New update next Saturday… Kapitalist Pig!
Somehow I get the impression the Soviet leadership would not have permitted a nude shoot for Playboy. Mind you, reproducing the cover image from Action Comics 1 would have been in line with the publicity machine of the U.S.S.R. The public image of these two would be very tightly controlled to give the best possible impression, from the communist point of view.
Oh, I get it. The Playboy model is somebody else entirely, some American woman wearing a reproduction of Katya’s outfit (well, some if it anyway). BTW, Comrade is not spelled with the reversed R, which is actually a Russian version of K, but the American writers were trying to be cute. The actual Russian word would have been “Tovarisch”.
Yes, the cover model has longer slightly different colour hair… Katya will address this next page…
Hair colour nicely executed. I thought to myself “Huh, did she really do that? With or without permission?” Then I checked for differences, found them, and smiled in amused satisfaction 🙂
American writers would totally be expected to use reversed R for R just like they are using Sigma (which is S) for E in Electra and Enigma for example … hmmm … can’t find those movie posters on web did someone warned them?
Now I want to read that copy of Red Vlad.
heh – that will have to be another voting incentive some time!!
+1, I’d very much like to see your take on comics of that vintage!
Go there for the vote, stay there for the Red undies! (capital R)
Was 60 pages going to be the length of this story, or was that just all you had plotted/estimated? And how closely do Katya’s and Vlad’s abilities match those of VM?
@Xmung, I just suddenly imagined what the Master Assassin thinks of this spinoff! In his words:
While this world is largely one continuous narrative, I hypothesize that the Creator does occasional spinoffs… either because the Creator’s mind overflows with too many ideas, or as an attempt to keep readership of this story up. I suspect the latter; with the amount of world-building I observe, I suspect that this story has been being written for well over a decade now.
As it pertains to spinoffs, the primary evidence is in Comerade Katya and Red Vlad. Initially I classified them as [Deltas]; they live in Russia which is geographically and ideologically far removed from the birthplace of the Victorious, the International Justice Force, and Force Magellan. But, after placing character assassins in Russia as moles—no easy feat!—they reported that the Russian supers’ backstories, personalities, and moral codes are very well developed. Placing these revelations against my earlier
assumptions, the spinoff hypothesis is the only logical explanation.
No doubt this spin-off is mostly self-contained, a cliche “how the other half lives” story that shows how in fact the nations’ peoples are “not so different” from one another, “if only they knew!” Katya and Vlad are doubtless the alpha characters of this all-too-predictable tale.
Create directory [Spin-offs]. Create subdirectory [Spin-offs/Russian Supers], and populate it with its own set alpha/beta/gamma/delta directories. Add [Comerade Katya] and [Red Vlad] to [Spin-offs/Russian Supers/Alphas]. Symlink these entries to the existing ones in the main story’s [Deltas] folder…. and in fact, promote them to [Gammas]. If the activity of these spin-off alphas ever crosses over with Force Magellan, you can bet that the true alpha of the main story will be very close by!
The Master Assassin has his own special way of looking at the world, that’s for sure!!
Like Humpty Dumpty, perched stop the fourth wall?
lol, I like that
Too bad the Alpha character of the main narrative has not born by the time of this story and even the Master Assassin is just a child. It is quite possible even the true Alpha’s mother has not been born yet. Mind you, a secondary alpha candidate for the main story is already active at this time; she won’t get de-aged for decades yet.
Hm, I wonder what the Master Assassin’s views on prequels are…