Families/Cемьи 09
The ninth page of a new voting incentive storyline Families/Cемьи is now available!
SPOILERS AHEAD – read the update first before reading what I’ve written below.
In pursuit: Comrade Katya and Red Vlad discuss the previous night’s events!
By voting you not only get a new page of this story (and access to past pages) but you help raise Magellan’s profile and help potential new readers find us. Once you’re through you’ll also get links to previous pages.
Next update: Friday May 8… the Kremlin is not happy.
wait i thought it was magellan, is it epoch? omg!
Magellan was already an adult when he helped found the International Justice Force a few years before these events. Epoch of the 2010’s would have been born in the 1960’s.
Yes these are Charisma’s grandparents
So it seems that Vlad and Katya at least consider the politburo guy’s threat – “We can UNMAKE you… with the press of a button.” – credible. It seems unlikely to me that the Soviets could have replicated Evil Weevil’s cancellation, but they might at least know about it, and maybe have some ideas about how it was done.
Be nice to see some more about the history between Victory Man and Evil Weevil sometime. And that reminds me of a question! 😁 Why is Evil Weevil still operating in current times if he was around during the post-war years? He’s gotta be more than 80 years old by now!
Y’know, I was pondering that exact same question the other day! My general view is that he also gained considerable regenerative abilities from the accident that created him. Like Wolverine / Deadpool level regeneration.
Another entry for the Bibliotheca! Don’t forget! 😁😉
[Sentencing hearing for Evil Weevil ]
Prosecutor: Your Honour, the defendant continues to pose a clear and present danger to society, even while in custody. He has expressed no remorse for his actions which cost the lives of 14 people and endangered the lives of over a hundred more. As presented by the witnesses of his previous cases of mass murder, this is far from the first time the defendant has wilfully committed mass murder, and is in fact directly responsible for the deaths of 83 people, with no regard to the number of lives he put in serious jeopardy. Were he sentenced to life in prison, his very presence would be constant threat to prison workers and other residents of the facility and with his enhanced physical characteristics, he would pose a constant risk of escape from all but the most secure of containment facilities. While held in such a facility, it would be likely that the defendant would have to held in inhumane conditions to ensure the safety of those around him. Due to the extreme risk he continues to pose and in punishment for the 14 human lives he so callously ended, we ask that the defendant be put to death.
Defence Council: Your honour, the last time my client was convicted of murder, back in 1961, the sentence was for the death penalty to be applied to my client, and in July 1966, it was, and in August 1966, and October 1966, and January 1967. However all the various methods that were used to end his life were ineffective. He had already been transferred to the maximum security facility that was available at the time, the United States federal prison on Alcatraz Island, California. By the time that facility was closed down in 1972, (ours was closed in 1963), the Locke Island facility has begun operations and the defendant was transferred there. During his incarceration there, various other methods have been tried to carry out the death sentence of the previous courts, but without success. The defence asks that the defendant be sentenced to a duration of custody that the Department of Corrections can facilitate.
Judge: Having been found guilty of 14 counts of murder in the first degree and the attempted murder of 118 people, this court is left with a decision that is literally life or death. That is, should this court sentence you to life in prison or to death. The prosecutor has asked for the death penalty as you pose an irredeemable threat to public safety and I tend to agree. You have shown no remorse for your actions and I foresee no circumstance that it would ever be safe for the human race at large for you to ever be released from lawful custody. Therefore, it is the decision of this court that you be taken from this place to a location of secure confinement, as determined by the Department of Corrections, and after a suitable time for legal processes that you are entitled to, that you are to be executed by as humane a process as possible in use at the time of your execution.
Defence Council: Your Honour, if I recall properly, this will be the third death sentence applied to this defendant, and in 9 attempts to execute him, none have been successful. What if the order of execution can not be successfully carried out this time?
Judge: That is for the Department of Corrections to figure out. I expect they will send him back to Locke Island and it will be there job to find a method that will actually work.
Prosecutor (under his breath): Bug zapper.
Judge: If I recall properly, they did try electrocution while he was at Alcatraz. He was rendered unconscious for a few minutes then when the doctor went to look for signs of life, he revived, killing the doctor, the warden and 3 prison guards before being contained.
Now I’m wondering if Epoch knows or suspects any of this.
Good question!
Piggybacking on that: How would Charisma react to learning she’s not a second-generation super – she’s third.
… they are lucky the room wasn’t bugged.
The problem is, I worry that it IS bugged. The government keeps them on a short leash, and after their relationship was discovered, they likely bugged their place to make sure they know when the two decide to get hot and heavy again, to prepare for another possible child.
I appreciate your devious thinking 😏👍
Volgograd isn’t exactly ‘out of reach’. It might have been a better plan to actually take him to a Western facility.
Yes but the narrative makes it beneficial to not pursue there, at least not for a few years, and well they are all too dead by that point to worry about it by 1970. He wouldn’t have presented powers until later anyways.
Yeah, probably not until well after the Q’Arth incursion. Note that that event was in 1972 though, still 6-7 years away from this point in the story.
Possibly they suspect that, and the details of their conversation are fudged.
Well, I called it.
Along with a few dozen other readers.