Families/Cемьи 12
Page 12 of a voting incentive storyline Families/Cемьи is now available! And so is a link to all the previous pages.
SPOILERS AHEAD – read the update first before reading what I’ve written below.
Red Vladd and Comrade Katya finally learn the truth of their status in the Soviet propaganda machine… but it has come at the worst possible time!
Many readers might know what lies ahead for our intrepid Soviet Supremes… but we’ll deal with that in fair detail in the next several pages.
Next update: MONDAY 1 June… “By Lenin’s beard!!”
Oh no… They dead, they totally dead…
The explosion doesn’t kill them. Which makes their ultimate fate even more tragic.
Damn. Their story is essentially as tragic as it can be: all that hardship, for nothing but lies. The superheroes that only ever saved one innocent human – their own child. Once. Most parents have more superhero moments in their legacy than these two, when not counting the fake encounters.
I guess they did something to help the military and/or police, sometimes, or it would have raised a whole lot of eyebrows when Red Vlad happened to take part in hunting down the “real” intruder that stole their child.
Wait a minute… didn’t Soviet have any supervillains? That is, any that weren’t fabricated by Dr. Kors?
Doesn’t *seem* that there were any actual supervillains, or indeed, proper supers at all, other than CK and RV. Unless you count these occultists, who look like they needed some more training :/
I feel bad for these two. We always knew how it was going to end for them, but knowing that all the horrible went down just when they thought there might be optimism ahead for them–it’s a real kick in the teeth.
Man, we’re heading straight into Greek tragedy territory now. And to think their poor son will never know what became of his parents or why they never came looking for him as he grew up.
I’m slightly curious about the fate of Dr Kors’ other creations- did Capitalist Pig eventually find his way to the US, and find success as the mascot for a chain of barbecue restaurants?
Stupid autocorrect, it was supposed to be ‘Kapitalist’.
Yes, Shakin’ Bacon.
Am I the only one thinking that in panel 2, Vlad looks an awful lot like Wolfgang Kreuger, pre-self-operations…..
It looks like they went to the same barber.