…and now I feel like an idiot. I just realized the story you are currently working on (as of this writing) is a flash-back to how Go!Anna was directly responsible for saving her. That also explains how Go!Anna could be working with a cop who is now dead. Although I’m happy to now know one of the little girls gets saved, recognizing the fate of the other girl (and the cop later) does give me the sad. 🙁
. . . damnit.
I just got teary-eyed reading this.
Thank you, Grace. I really mean that. You’ve seriously made a meaningful and moving piece of work in Magellan.
Thank you.
“‘B’ is for ‘Broken Neck'”?!!
Oh MAN is THAT important later!! I officially have shivers down my spine now!
…and now I feel like an idiot. I just realized the story you are currently working on (as of this writing) is a flash-back to how Go!Anna was directly responsible for saving her. That also explains how Go!Anna could be working with a cop who is now dead. Although I’m happy to now know one of the little girls gets saved, recognizing the fate of the other girl (and the cop later) does give me the sad. 🙁
You just gotta give a big “HELL YES!” at that punch… Just such a lovely way to react to a nightmare.
. . . damnit.
I just got teary-eyed reading this.
Thank you, Grace. I really mean that. You’ve seriously made a meaningful and moving piece of work in Magellan.
Thank you.
Thanks! 🙂
Hard to trap someone in their pain and fear when they’re used to living through it.
Maverick is really bad at spelling.