It only just now occurred to me: how is Olga able to affect Vlax like that? Surely the psychic shield would prevent it, just as it prevents Vlax from using her abilities on people outside the shield (like the “Warning” label, BTW).
I might have mentioned this earlier, but I wonder if they could use the story that Olga was in Gola’s head when she died and, as a result, a part of her psyche stuck with her. This has led to a rather serious identity crisis for Olga which she’s only recently straightened out. It almost IS the truth without actually being it and explains a great many things. The only concerning part I can see is if Gola was privy to secrets that Olga no longer has the ability to protect (to be fair, that might be an actual concern for everybody).
The telepathic ability works a little different between Vlax and Olga. Vlax generally needs to touch people to feed on their negative emotions, causing deep brain damage in the process. During the events with the fluge/Dragonclaw remnant, they got channelled to her anyway. Olga does not need to actually touch somebody to get them to change their mind. Freaky action at a distance.
Vlax’s emotion-draining powers require skin contact, and since the doctor wasn’t afraid of being in with her earlier she presumably can’t do psychic blasts without powering up first. So while Locke has psychic-proof glass, they don’t need it for Vlax’s containment. They just need to be sure nobody touches her accidentally.
Brainspike also needed to be behind extra-thick glass, so even if that was the psychic-proof glass it’s a very thin layer and Olga might be powerful enough to penetrate it.
It only just now occurred to me: how is Olga able to affect Vlax like that? Surely the psychic shield would prevent it, just as it prevents Vlax from using her abilities on people outside the shield (like the “Warning” label, BTW).
I might have mentioned this earlier, but I wonder if they could use the story that Olga was in Gola’s head when she died and, as a result, a part of her psyche stuck with her. This has led to a rather serious identity crisis for Olga which she’s only recently straightened out. It almost IS the truth without actually being it and explains a great many things. The only concerning part I can see is if Gola was privy to secrets that Olga no longer has the ability to protect (to be fair, that might be an actual concern for everybody).
The telepathic ability works a little different between Vlax and Olga. Vlax generally needs to touch people to feed on their negative emotions, causing deep brain damage in the process. During the events with the fluge/Dragonclaw remnant, they got channelled to her anyway. Olga does not need to actually touch somebody to get them to change their mind. Freaky action at a distance.
Vlax’s emotion-draining powers require skin contact, and since the doctor wasn’t afraid of being in with her earlier she presumably can’t do psychic blasts without powering up first. So while Locke has psychic-proof glass, they don’t need it for Vlax’s containment. They just need to be sure nobody touches her accidentally.
Brainspike also needed to be behind extra-thick glass, so even if that was the psychic-proof glass it’s a very thin layer and Olga might be powerful enough to penetrate it.
Pretty much 100%!
It’s Beh, not Blah. Olga Beh. Vlax, you have to learn to pronounce her name correctly.
When they get that old, certain faculties go faster than others, y’know.