…Matter 47
Update schedule: This is the Sunday update, there was an extra new page loaded Wednesday so please click “previous” to read.
Blah blah blah: So when I first previewed this over on the Patreon page a few people thought maybe Go!Anna was talking too much when she should be punching instead. Probably a fair call… although she probably thought she had the upper hand, right until she didn’t!
Next update: Wednesday July 24, 2019: Things go from bad to badderer.
I think she should know better than to take an opponent lightly, especially when he is an unknown super whose limits are not clear, and even more especially when there’s an innocent victim’s life at stake. Maybe Magellan just hasn’t caught on to the drawbacks of in-fight dialoguing, and so hasn’t worked on training cadets to avoid it 😕
But she’s new to this, and so far she’s done quite well so far with talking antagonists down. I’d say it’s not too much talking *for the purpose she’s hoping for*, which is to get him to surrender.
…I feel like *he’s* talking too much, though. Especially for someone who’s out of breath and needs to conserve energy, and has no intention to talk anyone around. It doesn’t break the story for me, but it certainly feels like a fatal mistake on his part.
On the plus side – it’s probably not wise to rush a telekinetic front on given you’re unlikely to reach them… I guess I could have put something to that effect in her thoughts…
Prattle prattle, lose the battle.
Just take a look at the guy. He clearly does not do much aerobic exercise. Any general exertion, physical or telekinetic, will tire him out. The endurance is one of the first things to go when you let yourself go like that, even if you keep the strength for a while. Unfortunately, I speak (write?) from personal experience (the lack of exercise part, not the burying little girls part).
And so the bug guy thinks that just about wraps things up.
Oops, the BIG guy
The Patreon readers were right, while Brunton was busy huffing and puffing in the second panel, Anna should have got busy punching. Maybe he would have been able to stop her with his TK, maybe not, but it was still worth a try – at least while he was blocking her he wouldn’t have been able to be anything with that body bag.
BTW has it been established what causes super powers to appear in the Magellanverse? It appears that at least some are born with them, like Marvel’s mutants (glad you avoided the whole “hates and fears them” thing Grace, it’s getting dated in the MU), and others are your classic mutates, getting their powers due to some event (radioactive spider-bite/cosmic ray exposure etc for more Marvel examples), but is there a reason why people in this ‘verse have the potential to develop super-powers in the first place?
All that hates and fears them thing is getting dated in reality as well, but doesn’t seem it’s going away.
There was a bit of “hates and fears” in the history, but the “solution” (starting up the academy, etc) largely helped resolve that. There probably are haters about (but yeah, I find it a bit of a tedious plot device too) but, at least in the Magellanverse, the majority of people acknowledge there are aliens, extra-dimensional beings, demons, unhinged villains, and a whole lot of other stuff (asteroids, natural disasters) that needs stopping and the supers are probably best suited to deal with them. As for the how of it all, I allude to “DNA+” which is either something someone is born with or which is triggered through external exposure (so, a looooot like Marvel and DC)! 😀
And nexter: from badest to badass?