This arc has been one of the most humanizing overall for Charisma, we see her regretting losing her temper and noticing that she seemed to be losing control easier once outside of the range of influence and we also see her genuinely caring when her father is harmed.
That’s an interesting point. We saw a lot of people behaving aggressively. We saw a lot of people noticing that other people were on edge or aggressive.
Charisma is the only person who noticed anything off about her own behavior, though.
This arc has been one of the most humanizing overall for Charisma, we see her regretting losing her temper and noticing that she seemed to be losing control easier once outside of the range of influence and we also see her genuinely caring when her father is harmed.
That’s an interesting point. We saw a lot of people behaving aggressively. We saw a lot of people noticing that other people were on edge or aggressive.
Charisma is the only person who noticed anything off about her own behavior, though.