PaRARGdox 02
This is the Wednesday update – click the back button to see the Sunday update!
Chroner Redux: And now our flashback from 2 years ago, pops forward a couple of days as future Billy (Victory Man 2) Banks and future Kaycee (Maverick) Jones debriefs Force Magellan about the ins and outs of the DragonKlaw and Miasma shenanigans that were all part of the Bad Karma storyline. You can see part of that briefing from page 4.281.
In addition to Force Magellan’s Vertigo, Hoodoo (in her pre-red costume), The Hierophant, Epoch, Tros and Ranger Bill… the guests include Lord Psiot VIII (prior to him assuming his father’s helm as seen in Lock(e)down); Red Centre and The Man Who Can from Oz Magellan; Go!Anna; future Nadine (Speedlines) Turner and future Brelvis (Mongrel) Lonsdog; and Doc Philos.
Coming soon: For the next Families/Cемьи featuring Red Vlad, Comrade Katya, Epoch, and Charisma will be the next voter incentive story… but probably not kicking off until March. Stay tuned!
Next update: Sunday, February 2, 2020: The Rarg!
How far down the timeline were the chroners again? Billy seems to have aged a bit more than the rest
He just had a less stable hairline than average. Hence why current Billy is now trying various hair preserving methods.
As for dates: They mentioned that the planet Dragonclaw and Miasma wanted to influence intersected with earth first in 2021, and do so every 12 years and that those events took place in 2009. So, the failed attempt to open a bridge to the planet that took out a city was probably in 2033 and it happened a week before these chronors traveled back. That’d make 24 years. 36 or 48 is also possible, but less likely
That’s about right – and yeah, Billy lost much of his hair in his twenties!! Poor guy!!!
Honestly, it wasn’t just the receding hairline, but the facial features that I thought I noticed from the panels where he was unmasked. His face seemed more…. weathered, I guess… than the other chroners.
An alien attack indeed seems like the kind of thing that wouldn’t be changed by time travel shennanigans on earth, so that’s a good one to be briefed on.
The Grand National winner though… I can’t imagine bookies surviving without screening out any bets made by meta-humans or associates. Telepaths, precogs, probably some animal empaths and people who can heal fatigue or boost strength at a distance… it’d make every race a competition between the various cheating metahumans.
Is this a cold-war era base, or is there still a Soviet Union in the Magellanverse’s present? I know the Charnelpit Six messed up Moscow, so there’s quite a bit of room for political divergence compared to us.
Ah, I see in the History that the Soviet Empire did collapse in the wake of the Q’arth attack.
Yep, the Soviet Union collapsed after the destruction of Moscow. Although it’s not super secret info on the Mars base I won’t reveal much now, except to say that it is indeed ruled under an old style Soviet government.
See, this is what any self-respecting person would do in this circumstance: you have information about the future of this timeline and know it won’t adversely affect yours to tell it, you tell it. Countless lives saved from natural disasters in the very least is quite a plus.
But this does make me think: did Crossoverkill happen in the prime timeline? Considering it’s cross-dimensional, maybe not (and the inclusion of Mindmistress could also give that conclusion, as there are supposed to be no alternate versions of her who are alive anymore), but it’s still something to think about.
Well, there is Hoodoo’s baby,
Grace, I asked you about something like this about half a decade ago. You deferred to Al at the time, and his response was more or less: “As far as I’m concerned, the two Rochelles were once one, prior to the events of Bad Karma which created a ‘broadening of the bands’. So MM began tutoring Rochelle before the split. After the split, if one of the two Rochelles wondered why MM had stopped visiting them, she would have activated her signaling device which would have drawn MM to the respective timeline.” You, Grace, then responded: “Thankfully, MM’s brain is advanced enough to tell all the different Rochelles apart!” Al’s answer doesn’t tell us
anything about Crossoverkill but it does confirm that both Prime and Alternate Rochelle were tutored by Mindmistress.
That’s very cool and kind of what I expected the answer would be. Where on earth did you dig that up from?
I’ll leave that to Al who created MindMistress and first suggested MM tutor Rochelle. It may be that, having scanned numerous timelines in the Magellanverse, MM decided ***this*** version of Rochelle was the prime candidate for tutoring, or she may have tutored a number of other Rochelles!! The mind boggles.
I meant to reply to this message but I replied to the one above instead.. oops! Anyway, if you read the above you’ll see that Al did in fact answer this question five years or so
ago—on this very comment page in fact!
So, two things. First, you identified everyone in the briefing except the guy in the helmet sitting next to Red Centre.
Second; I find it odd that Speedlines and Mongrel are sitting in on this briefing as if they didn’t know the information being relayed. I’m certain I’m missing something, but i can’t twig to what.
Oh yeah, I totally forgot to mention Lord Psiot VIII (prior to him assuming his father’s helm as seen in Lock(e)down)! I’ll go back in and add him. As for Speedlines and Mongrel, they’re there to add anything else that Victory Man II and Maverick might forget, should that info be required.
If Billy and VM II were to fight, who would win? Billy is younger but VMII is more experienced. And who would win in a fight between Epoch (as he is in this time) and VMII? Also, you said, Grace, that Epoch is the only flying brick whose on-foot running speed comes anywhere close to speedster level, so I take it he would win a footrace against any version of Billy.
Cadet Banks probably hasn’t reached his full strength yet, so that should be another edge for VMII. I gather that Epoch is the main man as far as powerhouses go.
I think VM II would win against Billy. Hard to candidly know about VM II vs Epoch. No doubt the Master Assassin would say “whoever is meant to win to suit the Creator’s story!” That guy is such a killjoy!!
Scary careless timey-wimey talk: “It won’t affect our timeline so we risk nothing by telling you.”
Ummm … I’m afraid.
Well, technically they do risk nothing for themselves… screw the consequences for everyone else!!!
Grace, I just spotted a typo in your cast page => Wilbur & Orville Wronge [Assaut & Battery]…
I’m assuming that this should read ” … [Assault & Battery].
Yes, well spotted! Thanks.
Question: do the russians already have a mars base, or will they have one in the past/future/alternate future
Hi – they have one presently, and in fact have had it since the early 1970s… as to how and why, that is a totally different story that we’ll get to at some point. 🙂