PaRARGdox 05
This is the Sunday update – click the back button to see the Wednesday update!
Jupiter!: And now we pop forward two years – to present day. Why look, it’s Dr Beatrix Grainger and Bruce-93 again… but now at Jupiter! Surely no bad will come from this.
I envisage, that in the Magellan world, a lot of Magellan tech and science is kept out of public circulation. Due to prohibitive cost or due to potential application as a weapon. This is why you see hover things at Magellan Island but not in the world at large. As you can imagine it would cause significant resentment and envy in some corners of the world… especially trillionaire Noam Dion, founder of Prometheus Genesis Corp.
Coming soon: Families/Cемьи featuring Red Vlad, Comrade Katya, Epoch, and Charisma will be the next voter incentive story… kicking off March. Stay tuned!
Next update: Wednesday, February 12, 2020: Incoming!
Oddly familiar 🤔 Kinda peaceful at the moment.
Seriously? They’re going all the way out to Jupiter to mine HYDROGEN? And they didn’t just say, put a couple wires into the Pacific and hooked it up to the power grid?
That’s seriously one of the silliest justifications I’ve ever seen for going to Jupiter.
Think of it as a proof of concept experiment. If you can take huge quantities of gas from one planet and deliver quickly to another… you could maybe add an atmosphere to Mars, or remove 95% of Venus’ carbon dioxide atmosphere… he mentions hydrogen but that might not be the end all of this undertaking.
They might also be taking the lesson the Soviets learned with the Qarth bout doing this stuff on a spare planet while you iron out the bugs.
It depends on how they plan to get the hydrogen out of Jupiter’s gravitation well. If they use chemical rockets, they would be losing – it would be cheaper to get the hydrogen from water, even if they get the water from Jupiter’s rings. However, if they have some trick, or at least fusion-based rockets …
Note that for fusion, it may make lot of sense to get hydrogen from Jupiter, FILTER IT to get just deuterium while still on Jupiter, then ship it out.
I take Vertigo to be someone who very seldom has to eat her words. But apparently the events of Bad
Karma have moved the impending disaster 15 years earlier than it was, and while she didn’t die by getting shot in the courtroom she certainly would have if not for the fluge. Surely the future is unpredictable and tricky to handle even when you do know how it played out in one case… but I sure hope their stealth probe is actually there and picking up this activity. As much as I enjoy seeing the cadets rescue the professionals I’d like to see the main Force Magellan actually get it right as well.
How long has it been since Lock(e)down? Is Vertigo back in action? Is Hoodoo back in action? Or do we get to see how Annie works with this team? I’m excited, can you tell? 🙂
As Fatima so succinctly stated, Maybe once we have trip without all go to bad? Don’t count on it.
Ehhh… Harvesting tonnes of hydrogen sounds like the kind of thing that’s going to blow up in everyone’s face if it’s not regulated properly. For instance by people who might actually know who and what might live on Jupiter…
Not tonnes. Teratonnes, that is to say multiples of 1,000,000,000,000 tonnes. Forget regulated properly, that’s an apocalypse in a can if ignited.