PaRARGdox 104
Contessa Q: That’s her power set… shoots “quantum lightning” (whatever that actually entails… but it is more powerful than your run of the mill lightning) and she flies, very fast. Certainly faster than flying brick Der Rote Verteidiger or the Euro jet (at least over short distances, she’s not a long hauler).
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Next update: Sunday March 7: FZZAM!
Page 8 does not fill with with confidence in their recharge window calculations.
Arrogance/over confidence….this won’t end well.
“Our calcs indicate….”
Do your calcs indicate if they have a second emitter with different recharge timing?
Considering you didn’t even know they were here until they hit (Magellan Island assumed they had a month, remember?) how accurate can your calcs be, really?
The overconfidence is overwhelming.
Wouldn’t second emitter be shorted out by first one? Unless it was out of range, of course …
… yeah, very overconfident.
Their own ship wasn’t disabled, so if the Rarg have a second shot on board, they’d be able to use it at any time. But WHAT calculations? There is nothing we readers know of to give them any basis on which to estimate the recharge time. The Euros haven’t even seen the Rarg ship yet.
Don’t get cocky, Contessa. That’s already been the bane of a few people.
I predict a major humbling of Euro Magellan. They’re acting far too cocky here.
Fzzam!? That I’m waiting to see…!
It’s either: a) the sound CQ makes when she zaps Rarg, or b) the sound of the Rarg nullifier working waay ahead of ‘calcs’.
“Pride goeth before the screw-up.” Besides the overconfidence, CLE3 already spotted one little detail on page 8 that bodes ill for their chances. Okay, just how fast will this go badly for them?
Is that the Euro’s ship in the middle of the carnage at the flashforward that was at the start of the story? Doesn’t indicate anything good is gonna happen, especially considering I don’t recall seeing ANY Euros during the last charge Magellan was able to muster. I wonder if the Rarg are completely prepared for this and just gonna utterly obliterate the poor Euros before they get too far.
The expression “famous last words” is quite possibly calling to claim that bit about recharge window.
There are various accepted ways to spell “manoeuvre”, but “manouver” is not one of them.
I think “maneuver” is your safest bet here.
Evil thought. I wonder if this is the point where Sista Superior starts to get up again.
Gotta wonder whether Contessa is flirting in panel 1.
We know they’re going to get messed up; maybe from calling it badly. But from their perspective is delaying not just playing into the hands of the Rarrrg and giving them more of a chance to recharge and neutralise everything effective that Mag can throw at them.
Oh actually thinking about it. Sticking someone in Sista Superior’s now vacant chamber as a reserve and provoking a shot from the power neutraliser would leave them with something to work with.
EM team have a bit of Ego dont they
Would be interesting if her quantum lightning accelerated their recharge cycle.