PaRARGdox 142
Meatball surgery: No one really expected Billy to make it, did they? Well, other than Charisma. Poor Billy, he was found on page 7.123 and delivered to Dr Chandra on page 7.125. Normally Dr Chandra would be a healer and wouldn’t need to operate under less than ideal circumstances but the Rarg have removed her power also.
Patrons: Over on Patreon page 146 is now up – page 147 soon…
Next update: Sunday, January 23, 2022: Who’s running this $#!& show?
I know this is supposed to be emotional, but the idea that everything will get undone by time-travel kind of undermines the emotional impact these situations are supposed to have.
More the idea that they won’t remember. If the death got undone but they manage to make it so they actually remember somehow, that’d still be good emotional impact, and it would make a lot of people re-evaluate things in various (both good and bad) ways.
So hopefully, if the time travel solution happens as it seems highly likely that it will, they manage to somehow send memories back for everyone and not just Ambrosia. Cause it definitely feels like dealing with the aftermath of *that* – everyone remembering how bad it got before they managed to fix things – would be a very interesting story.
Either that or XMung has finally had enough of writing, drawing, posting, hosting, etc. this thing and will be shutting the whole thing down (with an event horizon this time) in a couple more months. So emotional responses are fine.
That thought has been running through my mind also.
Oops, I meant an accretion disk, not even horizon. The earlier picture did not really look what Kip Thorne calculated a black hole would look like from close up.
Note that Grace hasn’t actually said that. It’s just what we readers are assuming. One plausible alternative is that all this is taking place in an alternate timeline.
But the emotional toll on readers is a potential issue. It’s numbing to see so many of the characters I’ve become invested in become casualties in this arc, which is why I’m hoping Grace has a great idea to fix everything but not make the events less meaningful.
Aye. Following the comments throughout the past few years, people have expressed similar sentiments. All the while, from what I’ve seen, Grace has been staying tight-lipped about it.
Grace, for what it’s worth; as invested as we fans are, we all need to remember to respect your artistic expression and agency. Some of us may feel gutted or betrayed by the end of this, but that is only a testament to how impactful and meaningful your work has been to all of us through the years.
Keep up the amazing work, until you (and you alone) feel that you are done.
The emotional toll is a problem, I went numb pretty early. I look forward to seeing how it goes so that I may re-read this chapter in a much less detached state of mind. I kind of fear that knowing won’t actually help.
Grace has not hinted where this story goes, we don’t know. She has said, way in the past IIRC, that she had the ending of this comic planned out. It could be this but for some unknown reason I don’t think it is. Maybe it’s just that I don’t want it to be. Only Grace knows, at this point, but there ain’t many pages until the big event. We’ll see.
Want to bet the Paradox wont erase their memories ?
Now that is an interesting idea. I don’t see Paradox doing that particular thing; but imagine if somehow Ambrosia’s timeslip power was ‘boosted’ to push everyone’s consciousness back a couple of hours…
But then if that were the case, the Rarg would also remember what happened, and the time slip would fail to revert their knowledge of the technology they stole from Prometheus Corp, and this whole battle would still be unavoidable.
Note that a time slip of a few hours should not get rid of the technology from the Prometheus One, as that incident was over two days ago.
They will not be in range of Ambrosia’s powers when she ARRIVES.
I like this idea, but it still leaves those already dead clueless. So the living get pushed back and … suddenly Charismas eyes go wide, she turns to Billy and cries out “you died!” Charisma grabs Billy in a powerful hug and Billy thinks “wtf?”
Paradox or time travel… whatever ! Don’t forget that in a previous story arc, the Magellan crew met with future Billy Banks so for continuity’s sake, he must somehow come back from the dead.
Not *their* future though. Remember that the Chroners themselves caused the split timeline. In their own timeline, Chang and Maya never met their future selves (DragonKlaw and Miasma) at the Academy.
This is true – also the Chroners went physically back, whereas Ambrosia slides back inside her own consciousness and arrives in the same body, not as a separate player.
No Dragonklaw, no dragons.
No dragons, no reason for Beatrix and Bruce to leave Magellan and provide Prometheus Genesis Corp the jumpstart to get to Jupiter so quickly.
No PGC at Jupiter, no reason for the Rarg to flip out against humanity on Earth (rather than on Mars).
A -lot- of the major plot developments in Magellan are direct results of Miasma and Dragonklaw’s time travel. Worst Field Trip Ever may have played out similarly, but with some variables changed. Such as Brelvis potentially only getting involved because Wombat Man gets involved (maybe), and Go!Anna would have been deceased. Hard to say, exactly.
But the Lock(e)down disaster is -entirely- prompted by the time travel plot.
This might be the start of the story arc of Charisma’s change to a better person.
You know, I’ve done a bit of re-reading for fun and I just wanted to say that while I may not be super into the current events, I still think this comic is awesome as a whole and am intrigued as to exactly how this will be resolved.