PaRARGdox 144
Best to let dead Rarg rest in peace…: Old proverb: Don’t poke seemingly dead Rarg.
So Charisma finds out off panel that her father, Epoch, is dead. Understandably she’s not taking it well… her fellow cadets – Gifford, Louis, Joe and Maya don’t seem very charitable towards her but then they don’t know what Go has just told her (and Go hasn’t had a chance to make that info public).
Kaycee knows there’s a way to make it – in theory – all go away, but since the plan hinges on offing Ambrosia she is maybe getting cold feet. Good thing she now has a distraction to deal with…
Patrons: Over on Patreon page 148 is now up – page 149 soon…
Next update: Wednesday, February 2, 2022: RARG ATTACKS! (OMG, how is it February already??)
Remember, kick the latch on the base to open the shell and kill the occupant. Just don’t breathe any off-gassing.
The power of TIME compels us to this February.
. . . but, yeah. Feels like it’s still December 2019 sometimes.
My sense of time doesn’t really allow me to “feel like it’s ___” ever, yet I understand what you mean. When all days are too similar you really lose track. Sometimes I can’t tell whether *thing that happened in the recent past* was last week or last year.
Cant see Rochelle on page nine and if she got back in time she would be sticking pretty close to Paz. Probably doesnt matter too much because I reckon the jump extension would arise more from Pazs proximity to the event horizon of the black hole and the time dilation involved than to her evisceration. If she is close enough to get a 180:1s dilation she can jump back 3 hours and only experience 1 minute
Of course the tidal forces at that range would be rather uncomfortable
Since Ambrosia is one of the characters present when everyone’s charging at the device, we know she won’t die here, but one thing I’ve been wondering: what if she’s in a recovery period from a previous slip when they try to get her to go back?
Just tell the Rarg “Hey! Could you please hold off on activating your bomb-like device for a minute? We’re in the middle of saying our last words… ‘k? Thanks!”
I know this is not the right time to call it, but in my mind. The ideal time jump back to point not extremely far back in time that day.
I agree that would be a good point IF Ambrosia has nothing to hide and can open her mind up to Olga so that latter can quickly learn all the important details of what is to come. I doubt that Ambrosia will be able to pick her spot to timeslip to though.
I additionally doubt that Ambrosia would realize the value of that tactic. Kaycee would though.
Surprised you are still doing this series. Is Loxie and Zoot/The Bare Pit just dead now? its sad.
Still, I enjoy this series too.
I like to think of it as being on extended hiatus. Amongst all the competing life priorities something had to give, and it was L&Z. But never say never, eh?