Best to let dead Rarg rest in peace…: Old proverb: Don’t poke seemingly dead Rarg.

So Charisma finds out off panel that her father, Epoch, is dead. Understandably she’s not taking it well… her fellow cadets – Gifford, Louis, Joe and Maya don’t seem very charitable towards her but then they don’t know what Go has just told her (and Go hasn’t had a chance to make that info public).

Kaycee knows there’s a way to make it – in theory – all go away, but since the plan hinges on offing Ambrosia she is maybe getting cold feet. Good thing she now has a distraction to deal with…

Patrons: Over on Patreon page 148 is now up – page 149 soon…

Next update: Wednesday, February 2, 2022: RARG ATTACKS! (OMG, how is it February already??)