PaRARGdox 146
Bad news for Charisma (and everyone, really): We saw the aftermath of the initial attack, in which Epoch and the rest of Force Magellan bought the farm on page 7.72…!
I’ve been waiting for the right time and moment for Go!Anna to tell others and for Charisma to hear about the death of Big Daddy Epoch.
And Go is right, we are very near the “endgame” now.
Patrons: Over on Patreon page 150 is now up – page 151 soon…
Next update: Sunday, February 13, 2022: Bad news for Charisma (and everyone, really)
I had a feeling it would take effectively hitting rock bottom for Charisma to finally “grow up”. I know she was making baby steps at the start of all this, but its good to see her finally stepping up…lets hope she can keep this growth.
When there is nothing left to lose you do whatever is necessary (and possible)
Is it hitting rock bottom or is she a true hero at her core.
The silver lining from all this is that Charisma will finally grow out of her Regina George phase.
Hmmm probably not so drastic.
Remember that Rochelle’s plan would mean that all of this never happens, so both the deaths AND Charisma’s personal growth would be reset.
Let’s see. Shortly after the beginning of the next chapter (assuming full reset):
Freya: [ Someone is knocking loudly on her office door ] I’m coming! [ Unlocks the door and opens it for her first appointment ] You’re early this time, Charisma.
Charisma: Yeah, I really gotta talk to you. Last night, I had a nightmare where almost everybody on Magellan Island died, even you, even Billy and Dad. They were all killed by these little armoured critters called Rarg that came in big spaceships. I was powerless. It felt so real! What is wrong with me? How do I forget it? I mean, it was bad enough when we in that nightmare on Locke Island last year, and now this?
Freya: [ Remembering her own nightmare where she, Justine and Ken Spence were blasted to death in an elevator by Sista Superior after the Rarg ship rendered them powerless ] First of all, we need to relax and unwind, then we can start seeing what we can learn from our experiences and dreams and take it one step at a time.
Tom: [ Coming from a room behind Freya’s office, cutting through to office ] I’m going to go check on things. I want to be ready for when Force Magellan brings in Sista Superior in a little while. I get the feeling she may try to be extra ornery today. [ Gives Freya a kiss on the cheek and leaves ]
Freya: Sorry for the interruption. Now, let’s just relax. Have you seen your father or Billy this morning?
Charisma: Yeah, I saw Billy in our dorm and he looked pretty frazzled too. I heard Dad is out rounding up some super-villian.
I’m going to attribute “Nice job saving Jones’ ass” to Maya.
Well, what do you know. The apocalypse really *does* bring out the best in people.