PaRARGdox 156
Things can’t get any worse… oh, never mind…: Hey! Remember Sista Superior??? Last seen page 7.113 being bound by Tros. Um, that seems to have gone badly for Tros. And for Dane, who was last seen on page 7.72.
This page syncs up with the time between the sixth and seventh panels of page 9. We are down to the very last minute…
Patrons: Over on Patreon page 157 is now up – page 158 soon…
Next update: June 27-29?, 2022: Providing my post-COVID “fun” goes away, I should have another update soon.
I guess even in an apocalypse situation the heroes can’t summarily execute defeated adversaries.
Even if they had wanted to, she’s pretty hard to kill… 🙃
One can only hope she will be the first one pastified by the black hole.
OK, so I wrote pastified and I thought “Is that even a thing?”
Found pastification easily enough, Frenchie for pasta making.
Then I found this:
Extended bounded response LTL: a new safety fragment for efficient reactive synthesis
Something to do with Linear Temporal Logic(?) – LTL
A report containing a HUGE pile of equations and lo and behold pastified was in there as a term. So … maybe pastified IS a thing? Sorry about the ramble, just intrigued by it.
Were you thinking of “spaghettified”?
The problem with being pastified is that you could end up like rigatoni or fettuccini instead! 😀
Is that Chiq one of the two silhouettes getting zapped in the last panel?
Yep… 🙁
Waitaminute! The RARG apocalypse is itself going to be a painful and gruesome death for cadet La Paz, so whatever Rochelle is planning doesn’t need to succeed. She can keep her hands clean by sitting back and letting the big event happen.
This looks timeslip worthy.
Well, I didn’t predict this. Complications abound.
Murder, but make it FASHION!
Wow, uh . . .
I mean . . . christ-on-a-stick, Grace.
I know you’ve shown some pretty dark stuff in this comic before, but I think panel 4 might be the most extreme.
I’m even a little upset. That’s not a criticism, mind you. Just . . . “oof” doesn’t cut it for the feelings this page has given me.
Yeah… it is pretty fucked up… but at least I didn’t depict what preceded it 😀
Something about Sista’s appearance here was disturbing me for a reason other than the mutilation of such innocent characters as Dane and Tros.
It’s her hair.
At one point in the story, the hair around the side of her head that was blasted was singed off too (although it’s been a little hard to confirm if that panel was unique, as most of the action shots with Sista since then have not been as clear as this one). Which suggests that she also has a super-healing factor, and since hair is one of the fastest-growing tissues, I suppose it makes sense that she has a full head of hair again already.
Is that Olga getting AK!!!’d at the top of panel three?
Olga’s uniform is blue (you can see her in panel one); the AK!!! cadet is dressed in purple.
This is what happens when you watch Predator too many times…
ugh, I had to do a double-take when I saw panel 4. Very gruesome, and unexpected. I don’t say this very often but Damn
Of course someone like her turns up the moment we need her the LEAST.
I can understand you enjoy telling a high stakes adventure, but killing off all your heroes can hardly be enjoyable. I mean, sometimes it’s necessary for the story, but at these levels… all these characters with their unique skills and personalities… such a waste! 🙁
Given the story title (parargdox) and the explicit tactic named of going back and preventing any of this from happening, seems likely not to stay that way.