Moon-Gate: The Mars Base New-Moskow was established by the Soviets post Q’Arth attack on Moscow in 1972. The base is independent of Earth and Russia following the closure of the Mars-Gate portal that allowed travel between sites. It’s been mentioned from time to time but never seen. Maybe, one day we’ll get to that story.

Euro Magellan: You might remember the brief and ill-fated attack of Contessa Q and Der Rote Verteidiger (and the rest of Euro Magellan) against the Rarg starting from page 7.107.

“Throught”?: A wonderfully helpful Patron pointed out the typo in Punchin’ Judy’s first panel text. And then I was going to fix it… and totally forgot. So “throught” is still there for the moment… I’ll fix it up in a few hours.

Patrons: Over on Patreon page 164 is now up – page 165 soon…

Next update: August 13, 2022: Strategies…?