PaRARGdox 165
It’s the shielding that matters, not the size…: Ranger Bill probably started his moon base with great enthusiasm after page 7.04… but ran out of steam. Will you get to see inside the base, dear reader? Yes, you will.
Patrons: Over on Patreon page 167 is now up – page 168 soon…
Next update: August 27, 2022: The seconds tick down!
Lol RB talks like a Gen-Z teen now?
And I thought I couldn’t possibly find him any more annoying…
I think RB’s real super-power is weaponized ADHD. 😀
Or a 90s valley girl.
He’s a bit scatter-brained as well, but it IS a lot to digest 😐
I suspect he programmed his nanos to reprogram his brain to make him sound cool. Unfortunately he never knew what cool was to begin with.
Well, as long as it’s totes safe.
In the prep to protect the heroes, I hope goanna doesn’t forget about a certain mad, superpower, nun. or else there’s a possibility of some old/new deaths being replayed/created.
I guess turning off her cell’s inhibitors as soon as the Rarg ship is overhead would make sure she gets depowered when it zaps.
I’m more worried about how she’s planning to alert everyone else. It’d be great if more students could keep their powers this time. Alert all teleporters (and call in hairport) to start teleporting people out I guess, but you have to make sure the teleporters aren’t in range when the Zap happens, cause then you can’t bring people back.
Oh, and call Magellan USA right the fuck now. Tell them to start smashing.
Reactivate the moon-gate HOW? Isn’t this kinda important information?
You’d think so…
How long do you think before they run out of oxygen?
I assumed the equipment to open the moongate went with Ranger Bill and his Nanobots. If it stays behind, won’t it get EMPed too?
I didn’t think the Moon had a lava/magma core. I checked, turns out it does. But it’s really deep down. RB probably could have build it a bit shallower and still be shielded from cosmic rays.
A few meters should be fine. I imagine You’d want to go at least that deep to make sure the roof would be stable.
Luna’s not tectonically active, tho – the crust’s too thick. What pockets would have formed early in its existence, most of the big ones would have collapsed due to time and tidal stresses. RB must have searched long and hard to find one of decent size.
been news stories recently that some caves on moon are around 60 degrees Fahrenheit and if deep enough would be good shielding. only 2 problems i can see is sealing caves from losing air (most rocks have microfractures geologicaly speaking.) other is support infrastructure needed to survive, such as expansion, air recycling, and food and energy production.