PaRARGdox 167
The seconds tick down!: I know some readers were wondering what the closed gate situation would be… and here it is. Good thing Go! twigged to that E.M.P. issue… yikes…
Also, The Hierophant’s ability is to channel the powers of the Greek pantheon of gods/goddesses – we saw him using that ability back in Bad Karma on page 4.263.
Patrons: Over on Patreon page 169 is now up – page 170 soon…
Next update: September 10, 2022: Plans…
Religious syncretism was fairly common in ancient Greece, so ‘Greek pantheon’ can be a fairly elastic term. The deified Alexander the Great was worshipped as a god in Hellenistic Egypt, for instance. Is this one of those deals where his powers are based on his understanding of Greek mythology?
I swear… how did RB ever graduate??
Please can we get a series about when RB and his class were in the academy being chewed-out by the Spencinator?
Even bigger question – how’d he get accepted to Force Magellan??
I think a villain once referred to them as “Farce Magellan”, maybe he’s why…
I’m not sure I understand some of Go!Anna’s body language in these panels. In panel 2 she’s covering her face with her hand, like she’s exasperated (or upset?), but things are happening really quickly. It’s understandable if they’re having a hard time gaming out the consequences of the EMP and Ranger isn’t being obnoxious or anything. Then in panel four she’s got kind of an “Ehhh?” like on her face. I think it’s because her eyes look like they’re narrowed, though looking at it again maybe that’s not intentional and she’s just supposed to have a neutral expression but is tracking the ball as it falls downwards.
I think exasperation is about right. She’s put out by RB’s serious miscalculation, which *if he had NOT been reminded* would have left the greater part of Force Magellan stranded on the moon when the island’s defenders needed them most. Not that you can entirely fault Jake for not thinking through everything given the stress of the situation, but Annie does tend to expect the best from her allies.
On the other hand, they would still be more useful on moon with powers than here without.
Wellp, better get a move on. You’ve got barely any time left before doom happens.
Anytime you feel the need to say “no offence” after a comment means that you realise that what you said was offensive.
So perhaps you should not have said anything in the first place.
Beardy MacWingHead (no offence) should just have said “I trust your judgement Go’Anna”
So, is Faraday-2 in the building that the rarg demolish?
Nope, the Force Magellan building is seperate from the main towers and academy. 🙂
I really hope this isn’t going to end up Groundhog’s Daying for Cadet Paz..
Keep in mind that is basically her life & powers anyway.
Perhaps wrapping the portal ball in foil and burying it in the garden until after the blast should protect it from EMP?
Presuming it really *is* an EMP and not some sort of psychic weapon that de-powers supes…
It nuked RB’s nanites before and general comms/electronics as well, so some sort of EMP effect happened. May have been some sort of multi-spectrum blast to take out supes as well as tech. The detention field did seem to protect sister supes from the effect so hopefully the portal ball will be okay in there.