Plans…: Everyone is scrambling to accomplish something!

By the way… if you’re wondering why Go!Anna isn’t trying to get the power to Sista Superior’s cell switched off, thereby ensuring she loses her powers along with everyone else… she, like everyone else sent back isn’t aware of that. Tom Bass definitely reasoned why the psycho nun still had her powers after the zap, but he didn’t get to share that with Annie before Sista Superior killed him.

Sorry this page was later than scheduled… I had to buy a new computer, which came with all the usual set-up and file transfer “joy” that entails… put me behind on the output front. The good news is that this new machine is so much better than the last, so much faster, that producing pages will be a much less painful effort than it was becoming previously. I’m hoping this will finally lead back to two pages a week!

Patrons: Over on Patreon page 171 is now up – page 172 soon…

Next update: September 17, 2022: Plans…