PaRARGdox 169
Plans…: Everyone is scrambling to accomplish something!
Exo-skeleton: Justine’s exo-skeleton helps her not break her bones when using her great strength. It was seen briefly in Bad Karma on page 4.256, and also on page 7.50 of this story.
Norn Hex?: Possibly more obscure is the “norn hex” first introduced in CrossOverKill by Hoodoo training then-first-year cadets Montana-Rose and Jemima – see page XOK:1.27. The fact that it is just Rosie and Jemima (ie, no Chang) places that training with Hoodoo after the events of the Robo-Mat exercise that kicked off Bad Karma. As we saw on page 7.16, the current first years are yet to have their Robo-Mat exercise, meaning first year magical students like Morgana and Bobbi are yet to start that training. All that is a long winded way of explaining why Yasmeen, from second year, knows about norn hexes but Morgana and Bobbi don’t. Whew.
Spank Tank: Oh, yeah, and Ranger Bill apparently only built his moon-base for self-pleasure purposes. But of course he did!
Patrons: Over on Patreon page 171 is now up – page 172 soon…
Next update: September 24, 2022: Plans…
Of course! Three witches working together are very powerful indeed 😉
Imagine being so desperate to crank one out that you create a goddamn moon base just for the privacy… lol
I mean… in a place chock-full of telepaths I can’t really blame him.
I do appreciate that Judy is accepting of this, meanwhile Epoch is looking more shocked at Judy’s acceptance than Bill’s admission. Very culturally and generationally appropriate for each of them, I think, especially since Judy comes across as queer-coded to me in personality and fashion-sense.
Comment on that, Grace? Or is Judy’s sexual identity a private matter?
I usually take the approach that a character’s sexuality is only revealed when relevant to the character in the moment of the story. But in Judy’s case I figure she certainly isn’t conservative when it comes to the bedroom, or anywhere else for that matter! 😀
Well appearances can be deceiving.
Freya plays both teams yet she doesn’t go nuts in her everyday wardrobe. You can’t really judge by their costume either since they’re as cartoony as can be across the board.
Consider that Judy has probably heard about Mudge Wilson’s first-year antics… yeah, she’s sympathetic.
About Justine: how half-baked are her powers that she can’t use her super strength without wrecking herself if she doesn’t use technology?
Yep, sucks to be her 😳😀
Epoch seems…. unimpressed.
He’s thinking – “In Soviet Russia, tank spanks YOU!”
lol 😀 😀
Maybe Ranger Bill should invite a certain four arm succubus up there…!?!?
But Grrlpower and Magellan are in different universes. How is the message going to get to Sydneyverse and then how is Dabbler getting to this moon base?
‘Sides, Xuriel’s not really the ‘kept woman’ sort. Especially not ‘kept’ in a small box on the Moon!
Altho, her sister Paraphael is part djinn… she might be into it.
Dabbler’s half-sister is named Parfait.
Check again – ‘Parfait’ is a nickname, just as ‘Dabbler’ is.
Then maybe one of the Harems…?!?
Ranger Bill: Well, I don’t really have a monitor, but my nanobots should be able to build on pretty fast. What would be the access codes to the security cameras at HQ?
Punchin’ Judy: By now, it is probably “Rochelle Wins!”
And, of course, it will be encoded through at least three different types of ciphers, one of which is repeated, and reversed front-to-back . . . but the real kicker is that it wasn’t Rochelle who decided this, but an exasperated and worn-out Tom Bass.
“But how is all this extra encryption giving up?”
“Because we still have an island to protect from other threats, and frankly, to Rochelle, three ciphers and putting the letters in reverse won’t even register as an attempt to keep her out at this point.”
Should Tom Bass dismiss what Rochelle Kwan told him?!
I think he knows Rochelle isn’t the type to spew nonsense in the middle of a crisis.
Moon base? Moar like SPOOGE BASE!
RB’s “Monitoring Station” is probably tuned to PornHub…
PornHub on the MoonHub!
or RedTube in the MoonTube?
RedTube is obviously what they watch on the Soviet Mars base. But filtered to only have content the Soviets agree with, and logging what everyone views and searches for to help root out dissidents. On Soviet Mars, porn watches you.
(clap)(clap)(clap)(clap). That Soviet Mars bit was just … chef’s kiss.
I don’t know about monitoring stations, but surely RR put a computer with Internet connection in the room.
Olga: Okay, you need this quick. No time for subtlety. Yasmeen, think of the Norn Hex. [ She places her left hand on Yasmeen’s forehead and her right hand between Bobbi’s horns] This may be a little rough.
Sun: My mind to your mind. My thoughts to your thoughts.
Olga: Cut that out. This is hard enough already. Yasmeen, only the Norn Hex in your mind. Here comes the info-dump. Open your mind.
Now I’m thinking it would be interesting to have a telepath who can only transmit or receive learned skills (procedural memory) without the personal memories and emotions associated with them. They could even be called Info-Dump.
Mort: Holding! What’s up? [Pause] Okay. Got it. [ To his partner ] Macey, get in holding cell 2; I’ll turn on the field in there. That should protect you from a de-powering pulse that’s coming in about a minute. Okay, what’s next? [ Pause ] You want me to do what?! Have you lost your mind? How is turning off Sista Superior’s anti-power field going to help anybody? That will just let her blast her way out of the cell. [ Pause ] And how can we tell when it is just before this de-power wave hits?
If they had more time, and more information, I assume the holding cells are equipped with some method of incapacitating the inhabitant – binding foam, TASER-style electric shock, knockout gas, etc – that they could use on the depowered Sistah Superior that would keep her contained for at least a few minutes, letting them incapacitate her, then shutoff the field.
Then again, it may not be the fact she was depowered at the time that protected her, but rather that the cell itself shielded her, in which case they’d have to pull her out of the cell.
Eh, tell Tom that she killed Freya in the paradoxed-out timeline, and maybe he’d just put a bullet in her skull while she’s depowered…
Why is the page labeled as 172 even though it should be 169?
Conspiracies: go!
lol – that’s a dumb mistake on my part
Just reviewed the crossover kill page. Coincidence that this Norn hex is used against Sista Superior Bot? I think not… which cadet gets to use it on the real thing? Theories: go!