PaRARGdox 17
Reset?: A couple of brutal pages… but wait… what’s this that Ambrosia can do? Goodness! That doesn’t mean they’re out of the woods yet…
Patreon: By the way, should it be a thing that interests you, my Magellan patrons over at Patreon have been getting full previews three updates ahead of schedule. And you can too for as little as $1 a month… ๐
Families/Cะตะผัะธ: New voting incentive featuring Red Vlad and Comrade Katya … page three now up – page 4 will go up later today 5pm Sydney time/1 am NY!! By voting you not only get a new page of this story but you help raise Magellan’s profile and help potential new readers find us.
Next update:ย Wednesday, March 25, 2020: Another chance?
Since you said in page 11 that there would be no more hopping back and forth in time I’m going to assume this isn’t actually time travel that Ambrosia is doing, just a reset of the state of things and people. Which may or may not be the same as Krona’s checkpoint reality hack.
I wouldn’t take some of the generalisations I make in the comments 100% for real… otherwise I would’ve had to say “…no more hopping back and forth in time… at least until page 17!” ๐ I’m not ruling anything out about her power but we’ll have to see as this scenario unfolds I guess!
Are you saying the “word of god” is not 100% reliable? Heresy! By god herself nonetheless… wait, isn’t that a paradox? ๐
And maybe some of the things I say in comments aren’t 100% reliable and/or serious either. Maybe I just was reminded of one of my favourite scenes for no good reason at all and then came up with a reasonable reason so that I could reasonably link it. I don’t remember my reasoning, I did that yesterday!
Ahem, PaRARGdox
Good thing we aren’t running on the same rules as in the film Dogma.
Pretty cool, right? Grace, is Ambrosia’s power a one-off? I mean, have there been other timeporters documented? I
None that are currently in cannon! ๐
Well, I guess we know now how the Earth is going to be saved from destruction.
Let me guess: this is maximal time she can rewind.
In the late 1990’s, there was a time travel show called “7 Days”, which is how far back Frank Parker could go to fix things. Ambrosia is more like 7 Minutes.
Not even that much! And yeah, I saw that show… interesting premise but not too well executed, only lasted one season I believe.
We got to see 2 seasons in North America. There was some cast changes between the seasons.
A nifty power. I know with my own characters I make a point to shy away from time manipulation (but I just remembered I have a character who does time travel, but specifically can’t change anything, being more of a paradox as he would have always gone back in time to did what he did), because I don’t want to deal with coming up with explanations why one can’t use this to just fix everything (get it wrong? Rewind and do it again). However, you generally have a much greater handle on what will happen, so a time traveling character from you can still work.
Ambrosia reminds me more of Krona from Grrl Power…
CONFESSION TIME! ๐I was reading through the pages in this storyline, and I found a panel that I remembered thinking was a bit odd at the time, but didn’t mark as notable enough to ask about. Back in PaRARGdox 13, panel 3, Olga referred to Olaf as ‘them/they’. Back then, it seemed like just a strange typo, but upon this latest re-read, it occurs that it might be related to her exposition/explanation in p11 of The Olaf Mystery, where she speaks of his mind as a ‘mental democracy’.
‘Them/they’ is becoming increasingly common as a non-gendered third person singular pronoun.
I suspect Olga is using they/them more in this instance than the “mental democracy” case, although that would certainly be apt here too. In the same way that Chiq is a he (despite certain “human female sex characteristics”), Olaf is not gendered (despite, to some degree, appearing “male”). Olga has chose to you they/them to refer to Olaf in the third person although Jasmeen uses “it”.
Dang๐ Still not fully woke, and now you can’t even rub the sand out of your eyes! ๐
As a nonbinary reader, I caught that one immediately ๐ Even if it speaks more to Olaf’s nature as an apparent mental collective rather than to their being an other-gender individual (although both seem to work in this instance!), it’s still refreshing to see the use of the pronoun. Even in SF media, where alien and robot and nonphysical characters abound, it’s hard to find a portrayal that isn’t just an either/or…
Even though she’s technically 30+ and from the 1970s, Olga is apparently more aware of things like that than Yasmeen!
As the co-author to the Olaf Mystery: Yes.
Them/They in both the non-binary and the collective entities senses of the terms.
And Yasmeen with “it” is totally appropriate too, considering she doesn’t quite view Olaf as a person.
(note: Defer all final authority on the characters to Grace, as she is the primary author, and I was more of a consultant.)
Sounds good to me! ๐
Well, she’s a telepath. Which also means she’s more likely to know what Olaf prefers even if nobody actually seems to have asked them.
This suddenly made me think about what Freya’s sessions with Olaf are like… Unproductive, I’d bet ๐
A retconjurer!
Ooh, we need a like button for these comments.
I know what you mean. Is there a plug-in for that, I wonder?
Looks like WordPress has options for that, but I’m not too keen on the idea. Besides the worry about changes possibly bringing it all down ๐ฌThere’s also the problem with the comments being themselves temporal, so marking one as ‘liked’ when we have moved past that page would only be of interest to browsing readers going over old comics. Now, if there was an actual *forum* ๐๐
I was running a forum many, many years ago over on ComicsGenesis – they are fun and a good way to connect with readers and toss around ideas, etc – but they also are an additional thing to manage which take time away from writing/drawing etc. For the time being I’ll stick to comments here – but there is also the Facebook page and my Twitter!
Awesome word!
I picked it up from the (now defunct webcomic) Erfworld. Amusingly Retconjurers were a type of spellcaster that no in the setting believed had ever exisited.
whelp this was to be expected