PaRARGdox 175
Magellan USA: Bet you weren’t expecting to check back in on Magellan USA so soon… had to get this out of the way before we deal with everything else.
For people new to Magellan… (welcome!)… Magellan USA (consisting of Glom, Flambé, Liberator (leader), Maestro, Twilight, Greyhound and Battlestar) previously had a different experience during their investigation of Prometheus Corp – starting from page 7.73. As you may guess, Greyhound is a speedster and definitely one of the fastest! And as for the middle panel, no, Go!Anna isn’t insulting the two characters… they are She-Hog and Heavy Metal Frog… rookie and sixth year cadet on placement respectively, currently biding their time in the Magellan USA jet… first seen starting page 7.84.
Patrons: Over on Patreon page 176 is now up – page 177 soon…
Next update: November 5, 2022: Did it work?
Does Prometheus offer dental with their employment?
Better question: Do they offer Legal benefits? With all the criminal behaviour they engage in, the employees should really have legal council.
Illegal council.
Love that this confirms the Muppets are indeed canon in the Magellanverse. 🤣
This guy certainly dodged a bullet. If he had pushed the button without saying anything, he would have been liable for the consequences. For the price of a few teeth, he successfully passed the buck to his supervisor. /s
Now, to capture the villains and turn them over to the Rarg for punishment. Crisis averted, and maybe a new ally gained!
I cant really see it too clearly, my eyes are still crossed from the last page.
Hmm, I wonder if this was a good idea. Firstly, because Magellan USA got out of there the first time, so why rock the boat? And secondly, I doubt timey-wimey B.S. is admissable in court. Prometheus no doubt has expensive lawyers, and Prometheus striking first has now been erased from the timeline. Magellan USA better hope they find some evidence justifying this pre-emptive strike.
And how will this benefit Magellan? The Rarg nullifyer has been fired already, so getting the specs of the Prometheus original device won’t help much, unless they can somehow find a way to undo it (and they’ll have to do it with most tech and powers on the island having been disabled). And the Rarg’s singularity bomb was pretty heavily modified from Prometheus’ teleporter. The chance seems low that the specs of Prometheus’ device help a lot in disabling the Rarg version.
On the other hand, I suppose that with an Earth Shattering Kaboom in the near future, even a small chance at improving their odds is worth a high price.
Timey wimey is likely not. Telepathic read of active hostile intent, and possession of prohibited tech is likely lower sentences, but enemy disruptive intel is worth it. Expect Magellan USA to have access to literally super lawyer(s), even if some are a cover identity like captain Victoria’s day job.
“This is the Lock Picking Lawyer…” We never see his face either.
I think Magellan USA are close enough that they can get to Magellan Island well before any other supers – if they’re not strung up by Prometheus and rendered incapable of offering any aid at all. (The European branch were further away and arrived later – too late, in the end). Keeping them from falling into Prometheus’ trap means that they can help repel the Rarg instead.
The Terrestrial legal system is going to be the _least_ of Prometheus’ problems, when they get turned over to the Rarg.
I really like Miss Piggy, i mean, She-Hog. Really cute when transformed, really impressive in normal – no, wait, i think it was the other way around?
Why not both?
She-Hog: Last… time? What’s she mean?
FMF: Ribbit!
She-Hog: *blushes* I keep tellin’ ya, there’s no way they know about that time in the supply closet!!
FMF: Ribbit.
She-Hog: *giggles* It WAS fun.
This is now canon in my head.
Oh, Dion… when you notice the speedster has left the room, it’s already too late.
I like the idea that Flambe and Battlestar exit ballistically followed by Glom but not going beyond safe nullifier fall elevation, though the ceiling. Glom likely not limited.
Maestro passes through walls for flanking opposition and taking targets of opportunity, as Liberator follows Greyhound’s path sweeping those Greyhound stunned and disoriented. Twilight telepathic monitoring opposition plans and coordinating to keep isolated company assets from mobilizing.
Was this a typo/error?
“… the next few hours hours and …”
There are a few in this one, I think xmung has been burning the candle at both ends again…
– The aforementioned ‘hours hours’
– “Prometheus have a power nullifier” – should be ‘has’
– In the afterblog, refers to Full-Metal Frog as “Heavy Metal Frog”. (While I appreciate the reference to my fave illustrated fantasy magazine, it’s not his name.)
No it’s not his name. His name is Porgus Vat.
“Super-hero name” is so clunky. Moniker? Title? Nom de Plume? (Last one only applies to the Poison Poet, of course.)
Porgus wont get his alias until he graduates.
People might be trying out different aliases beforehand to see which fits best and which he is comfortable with, but at the moment his name is Porgus.
If I was a green super amphibian then I think it would be pretty cool to have the alias “Kermit”, subverts expectations and stuff.
I’d have an arch-nemesis named “Gonzo” and then …
… OK, after some thought about it, maybe not. Especially after remembering the chickens.
Wow, the Muppets is actually really dark. Looks totally different as an adult.
Actually, his arch-enemies are a pair of brothers named Waldorff and Statler, so of like the Duke brothers in Trading Places and Coming to America.
“Prometheus have a power nullifier” – should be ‘has’
That’s not an error, just a difference in dialects. Americans would say “has”, most other English dialects would say “have”. This is actually more consistent because “Prometheus” is made up of several people and would therefore take a plural verb.
I looked this up and apparently this is not as much of a US / non-US dialect divide as I thought, and more of a personal preference. But in any case it’s not wrong to use a plural verb with a collective noun.
Can’t wait to see how THIS version ends…!
2nd panel Go!Ana Double “Hours”
It is VERY satisfying to watch Greyhound clobber that guy.