PaRARGdox 188
Incoming!: You might remember that Charisma has previously had a rancourous relationship with her superhero father Epoch, and a huge problem with him calling her ‘Poppet’…! See page 4.290 for example. Mind you, she recently found out he had died… at least in the first run through of this timeline… see pages 4.143-4…
Patrons: Page 7.193 is now up on Patreon… 7.194 published soon…
Next update: February 19, 2023: Out of time…!
Euro Magellan should be arriving soonish, might be a good idea to give them a bell about the sitch.
Do they know Euro is coming? Well Go’Anna and the other travellers do, at least.
Yeah, the pre-slip timeline had Force Magellan contact them, back on p36 I think.
Go!Anna gave them a very quick blurb about what’s going on in the current timeline, back on page 177. We haven’t seen them since then, but considering the last frame was Greyhound punching out the guy who was supposed to activate the power nullifier to capture them, I’d imagine they’ll have Prometheus Corp rounded up in short order and be ready to assist.
Whoops, scratch that, I’m thinking of Magellan USA. Not sure if Euro Magellan has been contacted since the titular paradox…
Hopefully Casey, Go Anna and Charisma will hook up with Olga and Rochelle…!
Awwwwwww! <3
I already said it on Patreon, but xmung I think the Hierophant’s hand which Charisma accidentally broke just swaps from left to right. She catches him by his left hand but then he’s turned around and she’s holding his right.
Dunno how big of an issue it is to fix (probably has no impact on the story, it’s just me being a detail freak).
Thanks, I must have missed your comment on Patreon or misunderstood, I’ll check it out and see what I need to do. Always good to get things checked by another set of eyes. 😀
Or just one working Divine Eye. 😉
Head canon only here.
When Charisma realised that catching Hierophant had so badly damaged his arm, she then got him to reach up (or he reached up himself) to change hands.
Panel 3 this page, the medic may have moved his left hand (carefully) to his right shoulder to support his arm prior to bandaging and splinting it.
Panel 2 this page, Hierophant is reaching up to his helmet. No explanation, maybe he is just super tough and could still move his arm even with a dislocated shoulder. Not impossible, especially considering the adrenaline surge he would be experiencing, still very impressive.
Maybe Charisma did a better job of catching Hierophant than she thought and his arm is OK.
Well, Ambrosia should be your obvious first guess, Kaycee. Go find her!!
Am I a sap for getting choked up at Charisma hugging her dad?
I guess being brought to the brink of the end of humanity will put things in perspective for a person.