PaRARGdox 194
So many steps!: I seem to be drawing a lot of running up and down stairs in this story!!
As you probably remember, the Rarg did spam the minds of our heroes with a horror show replay of their demise at the hands of Prometheus. That was on pages 7.153-54.
Patrons: Page 7.197 is now up on Patreon… 7.198 published soon…
Next update: April 11, 2023: Apologies for the delay on this page… I’m hopefully of having the next one up by Monday/Tuesday…
Ooh, Kaycee! Devious! I wonder if even Rochelle will have thought of that point.
How can she hope to work the con, though? Applecross can’t do it, she was depowered. Can Olga and the witches do it? And they will need to fool the Rarg for a long, long time.
Any solution built on subterfuge will ultimately unravel.
I feel that the Rarg have to be beaten at the diplomacy table.
Stalemate their attacks, open communications and show THEM what WE are.
An implacable pursuit hunter from a hell world with a long memory, able to hold a grudge even after we have forgotten why.
Technologically capable and with the will to use the worst of our creations without consideration of consequences. We do anything, anytime, anywhere.
Casually genocidal of species in our own ecosphere and others of ourselves who have miniscule differences to us.
Able to rapidly multiply and with most of our horde having little individuality and being eminently sacrificial.
Show them what we are and make them fear for their own existence.
Nice idea, unfortunately this doesn’t seem as a setting where humans way to get on top of local biosphere would be exceptional.
“Litterly” is a great word to literally describe what happened.
It’s “utterly”
The font Grace chose for Magellan has this unfortunate habit of making the U look like an L and I together.
Makes words like “CUT” really awkward some time.
Ah, ok, thanks, now I see what you mean. I thought it was maybe a typo, my mistake. Still, “litterly” is a great word. 😉
Wait, that’s a FONT? And here I thought Grace was hand-lettering the dialogue! What font is it?
The one I mainly use is CCHedge Backwards… which I bought from a comic book style font factory. I also use CCSmash and a few others. In “the old days” before the easy access to computers I used to hand letter… and wow, was that a long, hand cramping task!!
Yeah. Sure. They are already on Jupiter. Make them think they can do what they want is surely safe tactic. If they don’t understand borders, they deserve to be genocided.
There’s also the point made by the utter failure of the Rarg attack. Deterrence is important. Give it up at Earth’s peril.
There’s a bigger point Kaycee is not seeing. If the Rarg think they won this engagement, and satisfied their need for revenge, great. Short-term problem solved. The long-term is living with the Rarg, and how every alien who’s ever spoken about the Rarg says this is impossible.
The Rarg must be evicted from the Solar System. By diplomacy if possible, by genocide if necessary, because sooner or later an existential conflict will break out and humans or Rarg will annihilate each other. (with the note that the Rarg specialize in annihilating other species)
Why did the Rarg bring a hatchery with them in the first place if not to make the sol system their own?
Gaslighting the Rarg into thinking they’re dealing with a weaker species makes an existential war more likely. Kicking bug butt and then extraditing humans guilty of crimes against the Rarg says “yes we can beat you, but we choose to treat you honorably” and that’s really the message you want to send. Along with “please find somewhere else to colonize.”
Considering what other alien says about Rarg I’m not sure if galaxy is big enough for Rarg and anyone else. But yes, first thing must be to get them out of Solar System.
Fleet?? So far, the horrendous destruction we’ve seen has been caused by ONE SHIP. The idea of a fleet of those ships is sobering indeed.