PaRARGdox 195
More exposition in dark stairwells: We know that Olga did slip back in time… along with several others… and she did protect her powers. She’s good but will it be enough for the Rarg to be hoodwinked??
Oh, and for those wondering if Vostok was around… nope, but now you know where the space cucumber is!! Vostok can’t save the day every story!
Patrons: Page 7.198 is now up on Patreon… 7.199 published soon…
Next update: April 16, 2023: This is the second update this week, page 7.194 went up on Saturday (so hit the ‘back’ button if you’ve missed it). We’re kind of caught up now… and next update catches up with Olga!
That “*standard* Xanaxl mad-on” bit was killing ’em in the preview 😂
Shouldn’t it be “Xarnaxl” though?
Yes, as seen on page 27
So, just buying time? That only works if you can use that time better than the enemy, and Rarg already proved dangerously capable at developing ways to target specifically humans. If this information gets to other Rarg it will be very dangerous, if it didn’t already …
(However, I’m glad that it didn’t ended in “actually humans are at fault” here. It’s not important who’s right, only that Rarg have higher motivation than expected.)
If the Rarg think they’ve won, then they won’t be using that time at all…
1) They are unlikely to warn us when they realize they didn’t won. They may come better prepared next time.
2) They may be developing technology useful against (also) humans even if they think they won, for other purposes.
Ha! Olga! I called it! Sort of. I mean, I kind of wondered about it?
Not to be spamming the comments, I hope, but shouldn’t Go!Anna’s line in the last panel be “How would we convince the Rarg *they’ve* won?”, not “*we’ve* won” ?
Ooops, well spotted!
Kaycee hasn’t yet been taught that superheroic exposition should be performed in well-lit meeting rooms or in front of giant computer monitors, to avoid recapping later. Must be a later year subject.
Kaycee had already earned Go!Anna’s respect. She just earned it again.