PaRARGdox 205
Not surrendering!: As you may remember, on page 7.166 Olga did telepathically show Yasmeen and Sun what they did in the previous timeline to them in the first timeline… in particular this… 7.71! And yes, that’s how she’s aware of Olaf’s Omega Sanction.
Patrons: Page 7.208 is now up on Patreon… 7.209 published soon…
Next update: July 11, 2023: No quarter given!
She’s not insane, she’s super smart, but overall there is little difference objectively.
The difference is that insane person would do this without second thought, while super smart person has lot of second thoughts but finishes thinking them so quickly you won’t notice.
Rochelle: “Second” thoughts? How quaint. I assure you have have run through far more than two thoughts in the past minute. Try to keep up.
Smart enough to wear gas mask protection against alien suit breach discharge.
Some speedsters with suit breach training could be helpful if they learn to wear a mask.
I wonder if magic users know or can learn quick how to transmute those suits into non protective substances, flip and stick them to the ground, or barrier the ship opening they are emerging from, or slow them down.
What OTHER Magic have we seen used, do you think first and second years might employ vs an extinction level opponent force?
That might be smart: Breach the hull by changing it to water, hope that the rarg don’t have suits when they expect to be protected.
In this moment, I suddenly have to contend with the possibility that it will be Kwan who makes the implied sacrifice from the themes of this chapter . . . and that’s upsetting me. I don’t want any of Kaycee’s closest friend characters to die, but Rochelle is exactly the kind of pragmatic which may ultimately decide that her own life is insignificant against the loss of the entire planet.
An appropriate line of thought for Monday morning 😑😅
Naturally, I hope you’re wrong, but the drift of the story does seem to indicate that *somebody* has to go 😬
Ouch. You’re right. I really don’t want that to happen, but yes, it does seem quite likely. That would hurt. Can someone here come to Sweden and give me a long comforting hug if that happens, or are you all quite far away? No, I’m not at all sure how serious that question is.
Find a kitty. Hug the kitty. Feel the purring vibrate your cares away.
Can confirm: Kitties are therapeutic.
Take antihistamines in advance if necessary.
Thankyou both for advice that I will confirm is good, though a bit more limited than the internet may have you believe. At least to me: I do have a cat, I hug her every day. To me this does help, but only so far, after a little over a week the need to hug an actual human being can no longer be dampened much by hugging my cat.
We’re gonna need a bigger cat.
I don’t think that works, but I can’t really discount the possibility. Does someone happen to know a lion that agrees to being hugged? No? Okay then, I guess we’ll never know. 😀
Elsa was pretty chill, at least with the Adamsons.
I do wonder at what point Olga will learn how to use a psi-blast again. We see Gola use it here where it was strong enough to punch an actual hole through a Q’Arth demon: And she attempted to use it while trapped in Miasma’s mind mojo, thinking it could rip a hole through the door as well as against DragonKlaw, shattering his gem: and
It will be a great help in situations like this when she can, as telepathy is an extremely useful power but not the most physically offensive one. My guess is it has something to do with physically being sixteen again, perhaps it’s a skill that the body has to be at a certain age in order to be able to access since it takes a toll upon the brain if one’s not ready for it.
I wonder at what point Olga will be able to access the power of a psi-blast, as we see here when she was Gola it was strong enough to punch a hole right through a Q’Arth demon: She also seemed confident it could blast through the door when trapped in Miasma’s mindscape and shattered DragonKlaw’s gem with one: and
It would certainly help in situations like this as telepathy is an extremely useful power but not a very physically offensive one. My guess is it has something to do with her physically being sixteen again. Perhaps it’s a skill that requires a certain level of discipline and practice to get to lest it end up causing a toll upon the mind or eve the physical brain.
Also, Yet More evidence that the souls animating their bodies in the last timeline were not their own. Or is that just what they want to believe? Perhaps touching the World of The Dead, and coming back from it, galvanized their desire to live, so that they were willing to kill for it?
Olaf said that there was a cost, but that the souls would understand it and it wouldn’t work if they didn’t agree to it.
Last time, all three of them decided to start using lethal tactics simultaneously (a fact that startled Brelvis), and then all three came to the conclusion that sustaining Olaf was more important than the other two also simultaneously.
I think it’s more like they joined the choir. They get to contribute to the group decisions, but agree to be bound by them if outvoted. In a crisis when everything was a group decision, they weren’t very independent.
Compared to Olaf, they’re each one voice amongst many. But wasn’t Olaf described as a collection of many *fragments* of souls? They probably do have outsized influence as complete souls, just not enough if the rest of Olaf is in consensus.
Olaf meme – I’m not JUST a member of the choir. I’m also its president! 🙃
Question about Olaf – has his rat ever been named?
OLAGABEH? Is that a typo?
Hi, just a heads-up, when voting on TWC to rightfully push Magellan, I always get a certificate error (which I don’t get with other browsers).
So, besides the old and gory vote incentive image, the certificate problem is also holding Magellan back, there.
Grace, you seem to be busy lately. Don’t worry if you need to give yourself an extra week to update in the ‘next time’ projection.