PaRARGdox 22
What’s wrong with this picture?: A brief review of the Kaycee/Charisma dynamic. It has never sat well with Charisma – a DNA+ with strength, invulnerability and flight – that Kaycee – a norm with no powers – should be at the Academy. And yet Kaycee has proven herself on a number of occasions, much to Charisma’s chagrin. You’ll have to (re)read The Great Leap, Bad Karma and Lock(e)down to really get a handle on that. So it’s no surprise that Charisma would be super pissed to get a helping hand at an exercise she failed miserably at from Kaycee.
Patreon: By the way, should it be a thing that interests you, my Magellan patrons over at Patreon have been getting full previews three updates ahead of schedule. And you can too for as little as $1 a month… 😎
Families/Cемьи: New voting incentive featuring Red Vlad and Comrade Katya … page 5 up now!! Next update will be April 8 at 5pm Sydney/3am New York time. By voting you not only get a new page of this story but you help raise Magellan’s profile and help potential new readers find us.
Next update:Â Sunday, April 12, 2020: Largo Castle
Charisma, you do realize the expression, “The lady doth protest too much”, right? Or maybe she does, and this is her showing that she does want help while trying to keep her image intact.
Ooh – deja vu 🙂
A little credit for the original author of this observation, please? I don’t comment at the Patreon so you can mine it for the public release.
Yeah, I don’t go on the Patreon. Didn’t know this was discussed there.
Oh! I totally acknowledge you as a fellow “protest too much” observer on your own merit!
I think you’re right about the ambiguity: Charisma wants all the reconciliation that she can’t bear to admit wanting. That is, IF she isn’t a horrific super-villain in the making and we’re all blithely strolling into it. I kinda go back and forth on that.
I think we know whom one of the 3 mentioned in 6.336 was, I called it
I weep for Kaycees arms/shoulders. I’m not sure how much further they can go back like that….ouch.
Don’t weep too much – not far to go and she’s been training two years for this! (Also, Charisma would never cradle carry her…)
It looks like a good way to get them pulled from their sockets with the combo of weight + windpressure.
And being not being able to breathe ( like crucifixion )
Oooh, she’d never, would she? 😉
I’d have gone for the traditional bridal carry or a piggyback, just for safety’s sake. If someone’s grip slips, no-one would believe it was an accident.
The thing that amuses me about the discussion about this topic (not just here but on the Patreon page too) is that this way of being carried surely has to be safer and more plausible than this one from Superman – The Motion Picture…!
Tactile telekinesis – even though that wasn’t really a thing yet at the time 🙂
A very convenient “secondary super-power” lol
That scene has never sat right to me. I’m not a scientist in any way, and I still can’t get over how the physics of that are impossible. Of course, I never liked the “Can you read my mind” bit of it, either. Just completely out of left field, and the only point in any of the movies that anything resembling a musical happens, which makes it all the more jarring.
But at least it isn’t Superman IV, where they not only had similar physics on Earth, but decided space had gravity. You know, at least Superman: the Movie had the fact that it was a good movie to fall back on…
Yes, that musical bit was… shudder…
“kay… jones” i see what you did there
“Kay(cee) Jones.”
I’m honestly starting to wonder if that was Rochelle catching herself being too familiar with Kaycee, which implies that Rochelle may be wrestling with some emotional attachments toward Kaycee which overwhelm Rochelle’s otherwise careful and cerebral behaviour.
Given what Maverick had to say about Rochelle, I’m on board with the “Kaycee/Rochelle Shipping.”
I for one will always be Charisma/Kaycee ship
The only thing missing from Charisma’s dialog is the “baka.”
Here I was thinking Tsundere….
“A sign of impending apocalypse.”
How vindicated is Sioni going to feel?
Very, I suspect. This is all Charisma’s fault!!
At least that part is standard.
Well, up until the point of the latest pages . . . oof!
Thankfully it looks like the next update will present the Largo Castle exercise because I get extremely curious about details like that. What is it?! How did Charisma fail it?! Castle makes it sounds like it’s assaulting a villain base, I think? Or maybe it’s just a situation that involves a historic monument?
Well, at least this time, Charisma knows where all the traps are, well, at least the ones she triggered by barging right in last time. Mind you, there is nothing to prevent the faculty from moving things around on here.
“Okay, last time, there was the hammer-trap around the corner. The way to avoid it is to not touch the laser beams going across the hallway. So turn on the IR goggles, get a handful of Rochelle’s dust and peek around the WAAH!” [ Charisma gets slammed into the opposite wall by the hammer-trap, moved to this side of the corner. ]
She’s going to blitz through the exam that she previously failed? Yeah…
Trying to blitz the test is probably what caused her to fail it the first time.
Why wouldn’t they just change the test so people couldn’t be ‘walked through it’?
I expect they would, since they’re allowing Charisma to retake it. At the very least, they’ll change things that she wouldn’t have known coming in. The walkthrough with Kaycee isn’t to show Charisma physical things to avoid or the like, but rather the correct way to approach the test.
Possibly inappropriate comment: I greatly appreciate Grace’s command of the human form. Everyone is drawn like a person, even allowing for occasional superhero conventions – even THOSE look like real people if superheroes were real.
But I wasn’t looking at their butts in panel 1. I wasn’t, I wasn’t.
lol, well I suppose a) they work out b) they’re framed between Sioni and Fatima c) hard not to notice d) all of the above
“I never argue with a flying brick when she’s carrying me around, Charisma…”
Hmm I think we know one of the 3 who’s into Kaycee…
I think you might be referring to a young woman who almost used an alternate mode of reference for Kaycee? I am also thinking maybe a young woman who always uses alternate forms of address. Of course, one of her lovers is not even a student, but now on the faculty.
I was going for Charisma…
Dang 😕 You lost me… Who are you talking about here? Faculty? Whaaat??
They were talking about Vostok
This proves where I’m different from Kaycee. I would have let that sea cow wallow in her own failure. Heck, during the time that Kaycee managed to neutralise her powers I would have put a world of smackdown on Charisma ala Batman on Superman in ‘The Dark knight Returns’.
But that’s just me talking.
Kaycee definitely has her reasons… will be brought up at a later point…
*pshaw*! Don’t be attributing ulterior motives to my hero!😒
Oh you mean the fact that an alternate future version of herself hinted at a friendship between them and said alternate future version’s bluntness about her world’s Charisma’s death and handling of this Charisma would indicate that she was a topic that Maverick didn’t want to deal with? Maverick might not have explicitly said there was a relationship, but she dropped hints at something
Sounds like Charisma’s grades are in jeopardy or something..!
Now imagine if she went to a certain four armed succubus for help…!?
Charisma’s mind would explode! Too – Much – Physics! Or maybe too much of something else, which Dabbler would find so yummy!
I disagree that we’ve found “one of the three” mentioned earlier.
Charisma is, as noted many times now, still under the effects of the mind-merge. She referenced three people in love with Kaycee, and while yes, under the jumbled brain scramble, it’s not technically possible for Charisma to know she’s not referring to herself, I do really doubt Grace would be that cliche’ about this.
In the alt-timeline, we know the two became allies, but we never got to see how much so, and everything here is already vastly different to the point anything revealed there becomes moot. The current situation is already different and the characters don’t even know about it. A difference that is directly resulting from the Chroner’s interference, I might add.
Seems to me people are reading into the Kaysma ship just a little too much.
and dear goddess, I went and named the thing. That’s not actually helping my argument much, is it?
Or considering everyone else is seemingly back to normal, she is not under the effects but thinks she is, because Kaycee is also a representation of her insecurities, as she is a norm operating on the same level she is, and she has likely relied on the fact that her powers make her hard to hurt as a security blanket, consider, for part of her life her father didn’t even know she existed, and her mother has been in jail since, plus her father is extraordinarily busy, consider what that would do to someone.
An interesting thing to put on their relationship, as well, is that in a sense people can see them as a version of Superman and Batman. Heck, maybe this can even be a nod to the fact that Superman and Batman have alternately been depicted as the best of friends or rivals who sometimes need to work together.
It’s not one-to-one. Magnus Magellan was this comic’s Superman, really, but I’m thinking in terms of students in this. Charisma is the public face with the flying brick powers (yes, not all of Superman’s powers and a different kind of celebrity, but it still can hold a little) while Kaycee is the gadget-using non-powered character driven by loss (though she still has her parents, and overall is much more social and well-adjusted than Batman could ever claim to be).
The thing is, thinking with my previous comments, I’m not completely sure the two are going to continue on a “friends or enemies” path. It could very well be that the time-hopping stuff causes one of them to possibly need to die. That would be a huge blow, as they’re so integral to the story so far (I mean, the promo image for this comic is so often Charisma having hung Kaycee off of the Magellan statue’s finger–they’re literally the only two characters selling the comic in that instance), but it’s been shown in this comic that death can come to anyone. But hopefully not Vostok. He’s too amazing to die.
It took me this long to notice Sioni’s “Float” mug. Makes me think, does he also listen to Modest Mouse? Maybe he also enjoys Pennywise’s most famous catchphrase.
I know I must be missing some more ridiculous things to say that he must be into, then.
Definitely a Pennywise reference… 😉