PaRARGdox 35
What’s Bugging Charisma Epoch?: We knew Charisma had Daddy Issues, but usually we’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg. And she has some pretty massive Mommy Issues too. First hinted at in the comic on page 6.145, we’ve never seen or heard much about Charisma’s mother, Evangeline. The turkey-basting comment though, has been bandied about in long since defunct forums for some while now. Let’s just say there’s a real story there!
Wot, no Bots?: In case you were wondering, use of the bots outside of the RoboMat is restricted to official exercises, so some stand-in dummies are used here.
Epoch a SHILF?: Apparently!!!!
Patreon: By the way, should it be a thing that interests you, my Magellan patrons over at Patreon have been getting full previews three updates ahead of schedule. And you can too for as little as $1 a month… 😎
Families/Cемьи: Page 11 is now online. Page 12 will go up on Monday May 25, about 6pm Sydney/3am New York time. Stay tuned! By voting you not only get a new page of this story but you help raise Magellan’s profile and help potential new readers find us.
Next update: Wednesday, May 27, 2020: The more Force Magellan uncovers, the more worried they are!
Hopefully venting like this to a third party helps Charisma though her issues.
She really needs some regular counselling sessions 😕
She needs to learn how to channel her frustrations a bit more productively, fortunately with her is someone quite experienced with that.
SHILF… hmm, yeh, I can see it 🙃
Sometimes kids are bad not because their parents were dicks but the opposite. Their parents are perfect in everyone’s eyes and expect the kid to measure up the same way. Meanwhile the one person who doesn’t hero worship the ‘perfect’ parent is the kid themselves because they know the other side. They’re are the one person that ironically can get neglected by the person that’s a hero to everyone…but them.
Oh… Bet even Epoch knows this factoid deep down & is trying so hard to be the hero for her as well.
So where’s the part where Kaycee either comes out or tries to have a deep conversation?
In an alternate timeline, where the Rarg don’t invade just yet! 😀 Just guessing 😉 Anyways, I’m fairly sure it is the latter. Even if she were trying to get an intimate relationship with Charisma, which I very much doubt, I think Kaycee wouldn’t jump straight to that point when Charisma finally said this much. Kaycee started to identify Charisma’s problem way back in the first group exercise and is most likely intent on helping resolve it. The minimum positive outcome is a more predictable and reliable colleague, future intel says more is on the table.
Well they are the two in their class who constantly have to prove they belong here,
Well, this may be a bigger challenge than Kaycee expected. Unless Kaycee is prepared to somehow prove that the rules of the test aren’t stupid and arbitrary, Charisma will never use Kaycee’s methods to beat this test. And I don’t think she should. Somehow, a brute strength Charisma-approved way to solve this exam must be found. Or at least tried. Over and over and over again, if necessary, until it works.
Not quite, she should try and frame Charisma’s frustrations in a that challenges her to prove she is more than just the daughter of Epoch that there is more to her than just her powers
This. Absolutely.
“Hostage #3 was a single parent, you monster.”
Pray that these issues won’t come to a head that Charisma accidentally takes a life…..
We all hope & pray that sad possible outcome isn’t one that Charisma need face… It would ruin her on a deep level.
As a new safety feature, due to a mishap with the Robomat training robots last year that lead to the severe injury of a cadet and near-fatality of another as well as another incident earlier this year that required some minor time-travelling, the training robots, especially the super-human ones, are restricted to operation inside the Robomat. This has been accomplished by removing the autonomous power supplies and instead now the robots receive power from the Robomat itself while within any of the training rooms. If a robot is leaves the Robomat environment, it will stop receiving power and will very shortly shut down (even faster for the power-hungry ones like the Epoch-bot).
At all times while the training robots are in operation, the Robomat room in question is to be monitored by a trainer/referee who can shut down the power to individual robots or even to the whole room at once if the need arises. In fact, the power-control stations for the Robotmat rooms have a dead-man’s switch that must be held by the monitoring trainer for the room (and the robots) to stay powered.
For the training robots to operate outside of the Robomat, a special power grid, similar to that in the Robomat, must be installed in the area where the training robots are supposed to operate. Also, the area must be monitored by the same kind of mechanism as used in the Robomat to ensure the safety of the students and others.
Of course, this policy update is predicated on the entire Earth not disappearing in the next few hours. Oh, there it is! It is a little spinning Kerr object about 2 cm across.
It won’t be graded, but I don’t think Magellan will be thrilled about having to replace that thick armored glass due to a temper tauntrum. While I image they have a sizable budget set away for property damage, the fact that this wasn’t an official lesson probably hurts.
But at least it’s not as dangerous as overclocking a training robot. And hey, maybe they can blame this on the Rarrgg in a bit.
Consider this charisma, you can accept that you father is THE hero and that you are forever shadowed by him on hero path; or you can do your own name but only on villain path; if you accept to be shadowed you can by your actions make your own hero path name within shadow
Maybe it’s the hair, but here Charisma reminds me of Mudge.