PaRARGdox 46
Lights out on Magellan Island: Well, it looks like they’re all in trouble!! A variety of cadets – mostly third year – in the last panel. From left to right… Lyta, Louis, and Jenna; then Fatima, Nadine, Sioni and Rochelle in the foreground; second year cadet Jaxine Jax, with Gregor and Joe standing behind Fatima & Friends, and Gifford to Rochelle’s side there.
Patreon: By the way, should it be a thing that interests you, my Magellan patrons over at Patreon have been getting full previews three updates ahead of schedule. And you can too for as little as $1 a month… 😎
Families/Cемьи: Page 16 is now online. Page 17 will go up early July. Stay tuned! By voting you not only get a new page of this story but you help raise Magellan’s profile and help potential new readers find us.
Next update: Sunday, July 5, 2020: Annihilation theory.
“Etheric energy field” … Whaaat??? 🙃
Not the first time it’s been mentioned in passing… but I really need to go and dig it up. I believe Vostok once referred to it and the astral field as being part of what human scientists call “dark energy”…
*Runs to look it up in the Bibliotheca*… Ah, I’ll take your word for it.😅
There’s a mention of “physical-etheric” on page 6.146 – the dark energy remark is in that chapter somewhere. I remember because I was disappointed at the time that no-one commented on it!! lol 😀
As couldn’t be any other way, “dark matter” is mentioned on a page named “sphincter” X-D
… this raises question if we can get some explanation from someone with better accent than Vostok.
So, is magic included in that? Sounds like yes … also sounds like we will have multiple deaths just from this …
It was mentioned again here too.
I really liked the Streak Synergy being an impact on the etheric energy field by an individual who had become one with it. Though that does make me worry about Dragonclaw.
Hidden Dragon tried to help Joe expand his etheric field to include his clothes like she did to make her own clothes invisible.
Ah yes, great detective work! She mentions it here… page 5.121
Neat lore, this Etheric Energy Field is how most supers get powers form. neato.
So the Etheric Energy Field is the Magellan equivalent to Spinnerette’s Cherenkov-Kirby Reaction, then.
If electronics are out, I guess my plan for using the bots as defense or medical personnel is no longer viable. I imagine the Rarg will press their attack with any other distance attacks they might have before finally sending down troops to melee with whoever is still standing. This could be really dire.
Incredibly. I mean, nothing has shown to have deviated from the timeline shown at the beginning of this chapter–unless Ambrosia’s little time hop has more to it than we’ve been told.
OMG! 🤯😵😲 *quickly scribbles a note in handy notepad*
Inspiration, ya know? *image of Trent singing Betrayal*
I just had an awful conglomerate of an idea for a truly nasty twist to this storyline that I’m afraid to say out loud, less it come true😲
I think I wanted *lest* there 😝
We didn’t really get to learn too much about Eli and Marcos, did we?
Other than that they can be dismembered in an explosion and have red blood… nope!
Geez those toothy little bastards came very prepared, huh
Normal humans and aliens are unaffected, as predicted.
This makes me wonder, do aliens have supers? It would make sense that if the aetheric field is universal, aliens must have some portion of their population that can access it, just as humans do. So why don’t we see alien supers at Magellan? Or maybe we do?
Or maybe humans are unique (again) at having supers? That always seems like a cop-out to me.
Also wondering if magic is linked to the aetheric field, or if it’s its own thing.
Quite small portion of humans have access to it. It’s possible that for some aliens, there is noone in whole population with access just due to bad luck and smaller population size. Meanwhile, number of aliens at Magallan is very small.
There would be aliens (and people from other dimensions) who have powers. For some species it is more common than others. For some, being on earth is more or less their power. As Gifford has pointed out, much to Lyta’s disdain.
no wonder it happened so quickly in the unaltered timeline
I was wondering why they landed on the island that is likely to put up the most resistance if their plan was always to blow up the entire planet. But given this superpower-disabling trick it makes more sense, if done somewhere else it’d be much less effective at disabling the defenders. Then again, a fully uninhabited spot would probably be the better anyway. Maybe they want witnesses to their planet annihilation? Any guesses as to how many on Magellan Island that would survive the end of the earth?
The Rarg seem to think linearly. Having deemed Magellan to be the major threat, they are acting to directly eliminate that threat. If successful, they proceed to the next threat, which would be the armed forces of Earth. It’s not clear that the plan *was* always to blow up Earth. That might have been an evolved strategy. But, as I understand it, it wouldn’t be out of character for them to have the singularity generator ready and still initiate an attack against Magellan.
We know that Nadine and other speedsters draw their speed from the “Streaker Synergy”, maybe that is part of the etheric energy of the planet, who is to say? (Me, I know.) The concept of etheric, astral, and other fields is quite a long standing esoteric theory, never proven, but with all the talk of dark energy and dark matter it did make me wonder, which is why I’ve stitched it into the Magellanverse. Considering the energy required by some supers, it made some semblance of sense. Same with magic. Anyway, Rochelle will explain a bit more next update! 🙂
Cool. Curious to hear it. And curious to see whose powers are and aren’t affected.
Although Rochelle also mentions “other sources”, so who knows.
At least we can be fairly sure Kaycee is unaffected 🙂
The one with the ponytail is the genius super, right? Looks like she still has her smarts =)
Super-genius, not genius super. Her smarts do not seem to be derived from the etheric field. Like Kaycee, she is Earth normal, but unlike Kaycee, has a specialty.
Sioni has the very same question on the next page!
Of course he has…
What’s going to be interesting if how many were over reliant on their powers to the point of their normal muscles atrophying
Charisma: *coughs* Jones! I need… to tell you something… in case… I don’t make it…
Kaycee: Don’t talk like that, Charisma, you’re going to be fine!
Charisma: It’s… important, Jones. You need… to hear…
Kaycee: What is it?
Charisma: I… I…
Kaycee: Yes?
Charisma: ..hate you, Jones. You’re stupid and weak, and I… hate you *cough cough*
Kaycee: …Yeah, Charisma, I know. It’s ok. *sigh*