PaRARGdox 58
One lousy minute: But of course there are briefing papers on all new cadets and of course Rochelle has studied them in super detail. She probably knows more about some cadets than they do about themselves.
Patreon: By the way, should it be a thing that interests you, my Magellan patrons over at Patreon have been getting full previews three updates ahead of schedule. And you can too for as little as $1 a month… 😎
Families/Cемьи: Page 16 is now online. Page 17 will go up um, soon. Stay tuned! By voting you not only get a new page of this story but you help raise Magellan’s profile and help potential new readers find us.
Next update: Sunday 16 August: Force Magellan and… smurfs…?
Handy Smurf!
Huge Killer Space Suit Spiders. Sounds like a punk band.
Yes it does.
Smurfs,I can hardly wait!
THERE are the Rarg.
Very good. Carry on!
Aaand, just like that, they’re gone again! I’m sure they’ll be back for more soon, though!
“My! People come and go so quickly here!”
That power opens you to a lot of PTSD and survivor syndrome.
At minimum social adjustment problems, as it gets harder to keep track of which events actually happened as far as your peers are concerned.
and of course, Sioni has absolutely no clue and it shows.
Sioni, stop being wrong about everything.
I should give him some space, though, he’s still grieving.
(Also, his name is pronounced “Sunny”, right?)
Reading Rochelle say “Cadet Brief” regarding Ambrosia makes me think that ‘Brief’ would be a pretty good hero name for Ambrosia on graduation, her power is largely to give you a critical briefing, and the time you have to act and change the outcome is brief.
I don’t think Ambrosia would choose such name. However, I can see Rochelle suggesting that in-universe.
I have a couple of names in mind for Ambrosia… should she ever graduate!
And right now, there’s no guarantee that the school will even be there at the end of this term!
“Captain Nope” “Retconjurer” “The Trotskinator” “The amazing spoiler tag”
Personally I think “Retcon” sounds good
I love this page so much.
I’m always full of nervous energy when a new page is about to come up and I feel like I need to say something, even if it’s not really meaningful.
Dane… that’s it.