PaRARGdox 69
Rochelle vs Rarg… redo: So, it looks like Rochelle and Ambrosia have been successful… at least against this particular Rarg trooper…
Patreon: By the way, should it be a thing that interests you, my Magellan patrons over at Patreon have been getting full previews three updates ahead of schedule. And you can too for as little as $1 a month… 😎
Next update: Wednesday September 30: What about Sioni?
Ahahahaha, I just LOVE the way these two interact!!! Excellent page! 🙂
Nut Job 😂 Hope she never has a crossover with Squirrel Girl! 🤣
Squirrel Girl would definitely disagree… XD
Hey they got it and it only took Rochelle dying four times to get it! Assuming they survived this and ambrosia still wants to be a hero, her and Rochelle should probably do more team-ups in the future.. also assuming seeing those around her die multiple times over doesn’t break her mind and or spirit
Rochelle: It was a perfect plan. In mere moments, we had identified a weak point in the Rarg trooper’s armour, and we proceeded to handle any troopers we came across, saving an estimated forty-two lives in the process. It was almost completely risk-free – and what risk there was, I took as much as I could.
Psychiatrist: Yes, very nice, now do you think you can explain why she always starts screaming and yelling “don’t die again” a full minute before you plan to enter her room?
Now to get at the soft centre inside the crunch outside.
What about the second Rarg?
… oh. Right. That was just Deanatay’s comment. For a moment I though it was in comics.
I stand by it. They need to book, and tell as many as they can about the established weakness.
Rochelle’s POV of this event
R:if I am killed or maimed
A:OH MY GOD! Don’t try the helmet glass you lunatic! its too hard to break
R:I take it my first attempt
A:Failed and your second too.
R:Atmosphere tank?
A:Couldn’t be punctured
R:Attempt three
A:NO, WAIT. The leg connectors didn’t work either.
I’m coming with you. If were doing this thing I might as well get a better look at the suit
R:As you wish, just don’t get yourself killed before me.
A:STOP! Four didn’t work either… but I think I know what might
Yep. Poor Ambrosia’s the one staving off trauma of seeing people die all the time, not Rochelle.
A: STOP! My idea didn’t work either! Turns out their helmets are full of poisonous gas!
Yes, you definitely wouldn’t want a lungful of that stuff… fortunately it is very dense so will stay very close to the ground.
So Ambrosia’s limit is 1 minute (for now)?
Go to a casino and take em to the cleaners 😁
This makes me wonder . . . casinos in real life are VERY aggressive in protecting their interests. They want to make a profit, after all.
How would casinos operate in the Magellanverse, with magic and telepathy being potential factors? Would they employ magicians and precogs of their own to monitor for such issues? How much would a “wage mage” be able to make in such a position? How much trust would they actually be afforded by their employers?
. . . someone needs to write this story!
If the cat *stays* out of the bag, they would probably be using power nullification tech.
Some would say Rochelle is insane but I doubt she’d be doing this if she was without Ambrosia.
There’s a method to her madness. She’s counting on Ambrosia to bring her back.
So, Kudos for having the guts to take the lumps knowing you have back-up girl.
She certainly placed a lot of trust in Ambrosia’s ability!!
They should be their own super hero team, you could call them “FPS”. Their team names would be “Save” and “Load”.
Did you hear about the medical student who went to his thesis defense with a colander bent around his hand? After he graduated, they called him Dr. Strainglove!! Thank you, ladies, and gentlemen, you’re too kind! I’ll be here all week!