PaRARGdox 78
Hold onto your intestines: Some patrons over on Patreon were wondering if the effect of being teleported by Padma gives everyone nausea and/or if they get used to it with time. I’d say yes, in most cases. I’d say going through one of Padma’s jumps is not too dissimilar to one of those fair rides that drops you from a height, major air turbulence and rough seas all rolled into one. As she is also a long-range teleporter, the greater the distance the worse the effect. So yes, Alpine Bob, she should carry barf bags with her at all times!
Patreon: By the way, should it be a thing that interests you, my Magellan patrons over at Patreon have been getting full previews three updates ahead of schedule. And you can too for as little as $1 a month… 😎
Next update: Sunday November 8: (sorry no Wednesday update, have a week from hell coming up at my day job) Euro-Magellan!
TWC reset in one hour, vote vote vote everyone. I’ll miss it by 8 hours because I need to sleep pronto. See you tomorrow… zzz… 🙂
Is that the speedster Phlache there in the last panel?
Yep 🙂
Phlache! Ah-ah! 😁
🤷 Gotta entertain myself when there’s no Wednesday update
But, WILL he save every one of us?
Assuming the healer is able to repair Charisma’s injuries, will he be able to restore her powers?
I doubt it’s that easy, tbh.
She didn’t fly in the first pages of the arc, that are later that day sionce we flashbacked, so I think she was still powerless.
I look forward to seeing Charisma’s bitchiness crack now that Jones saved her ass.
No doubt she will attribute her rescue much more to Hair’Port and DNA+ healer than to Jones.
Not that it couldn’t happen, but by now Kaycee has done more than that (including saving the whole world twice) and Charisma hasn’t budged.
Well, if she saves the whole world it isn’t personal. This time it is.
While making fun of Hair’Port’s name is fair game, “lamer than a dog turd on fire” isn’t exactly the height of comedic putdowns either.
It does look a bit like Kaycee has an unimpressed look on her face in the first panel when she states her rescuer’s codename.
Anyone else think that she should have gone with a Cthulhu themed name instead? Because seriously, I’m getting an eldritch tentacles vibe.
She’ll save that for when she’s hideously scarred in an explosion, and becomes a dark, gritty, hard-bitten antihero.
Agreed. It would then work much better than Dark Hair’Port…
“They’ve cut the power at the terminal again.”
“What!? D**n these curtailments!😡”
Dark Hair Port sounds like a hair dye range.
🤔 😮 Ooh… 💡!! What if we did a musical remake of Hair COMBINED with Airport!?
What would that be like?
🤷 Gotta entertain myself while I’m waiting for Sunday.
That would be awesome!
It looked more like hair and less like eldritch tentacles in earlier appearances. Quite possibly it depends on her current hairdo. So… I think Hair’Port makes a lot more sense, and I like names that make sense. (this opinion of mine may currently be exaggerated by trying to read code with less than descriptive variable names)
I wonder about EuroMagellan’s priorities here, useful to the protagonists though it may be. They can probably see the crumbling remains of Magellan Island’s HQ from their jet. I guess Hair’Port makes extraction relatively quick, but Kaycee still saw their jet slow down. The situaiton in “downtown” Magellan island seems serious enough to move full speed to there, or use Hair’Port for recon by teleporting to places around it.
Maybe they thought the two cadets sending a flare were fleeing from, not towards, ground zero of the invasion and are hoping to get some info?
Yeah *nods* it seems like a reasonable assumption that people sending up an emergency flare would be trying to get away from the conflict zone.
The advantage to picking up the cadets is information.
The cadets, or whomever it would have turned out to be, know more about the situation on the ground then they do, given it seems communications are spotty all around.
It’s been established that Magellan trained heroes gather intel on situations rather than jumping in blind whenever possible. The entire Castle test Charisma is failing at up until now seems entirely geared towards that concept.
Maybe the surprising amount of damage to Mag island is why they slowed down to get some on the ground intel. Especially if they identified Charisma as a casualty since taking her out shouldn’t be easy. If they were on the ball enough to notice a lack of super powers among the defenders then they might be concerned about an ongoing area of effect causing it and want to approach cautiously with more information.
Of course it could just simply be hard for a Mag team to pass over people in dire need of medical attention when they can help them.
Information is key. And Kaycee wouldn’t send up a flare if it would be a bad idea to distract them, while that might not hold for everyone on the island with a flare gun it probably holds for most.
I’m fairly sure they did not identify Charisma, given Padma’s surprise.
Teleporting into an active power-nullifying field seems potentially dangerous. Maybe Padma has already proven to survive that well enough?
That’s a good point. I can’t imagine a Magellan team would purposefully send their teleporter into what they thought could be an active power disruption field.
Charisma really needs a healer, and it makes sense that Euro Magellan didn’t want to expose their healer by bringing him down but if the hairport made Kasey nearly vomit then it can’t have been good for Charisma either.
The near-vomit is a result of what happens to the senses, not a physical effect, I think. Thus it would have been quite a bit easier on Charisma than on Kaycee.
More like car sickness than getting dropped on a rollercoaster?