PaRARGdox 85
Beta Team Go!!?: For those of you wondering why Prometheus Corp hadn’t come a knockin’ at Eagle-One… they’ve just arrived.
Beta Team: not really a beta team as such, just the rookie placement (meaning she graduated in the same year as Punchin’ Judy and Paridoximan) and a sixth year cadet (same year as Hair’port /Padma Singh who we recently saw placed with Euro Magellan) who have been left behind to “mind the ride”….
She-Hog: Yep, that’s her code-name. More on that (how and why) and her very significant power, next update…
Phrog: When I first introduced Porgus Vat, the only sound he ever made was “ribbit”. At the time, this was just me being silly. It was also years before I was ever aware of Groot of “I am Groot” Guardians of the Galaxy fame. So yeah, She-Hog apparently knows what Porgus is saying… you just have to know Phrog. “How does one learn Phrog?” you may ask… I have an answer but that will have to wait for some other time.
Patrons: Over on Patreon page 87 is now up… page 88 probably won’t be online until Saturday 😎
Next update: Sunday December 13: SHE-HOG!!!!
I’m sure Porgus Vat could have a fascinating converstation with the Librarian.
“Ribbit” “Oook” “Ribbit” “Oook.”
First – you have to kiss a frog…
Considering Porgus is called Porgy on this page, would that mean She-Hog’s real name is Bess?
Hopefully not 😉
Does the guy in the white hazard suit have a flamethrower? I don’t think a short ranged incendary weapon is really what you want when assaulting a plane full of jet fuel. Unless Prometheus is trying to reduce its overhead without paying severance packages….
How about assaulting a plane half full of jet fuel? Now there is lots of oxygen in the fuel tanks as well as fuel (and more importantly fuel vapour). There are reasons the engines are mounted away from the fuel tanks, and keeping heat sources away from potentially explosive fuel-oxygen mixtures is one of them.
That’s a good catch. Yeah a flamethrower is a poor choice to be using around vehicles unless you just don’t care about possible collateral damage. Since the assault team member *does* seem to be wearing a hazmat suit, perhaps it’s some other type of chemical projector?
That may also be why he’s behind the vehicles, rather than up front – he might be there in case anyone attempts to flee the vehicle. Alternatively, maybe it fires goober rounds, or knock-out gas?
and hog.
Grace, what kinda whackamaimy wordplay are you playing at here?
Better than ‘Pork and Porg’, which is what I’d come up with.
Wordplay? Moi?
Wordplay. You. (wait, what’s the French word for an accusatory “you” amyway? You’d think I’d know, being Canadian, but my French sucks. Maybe “tu?” Is that it? We’ll try that.)
Wordplay. Tu.
lol. nothing to do with Canada-ness. It is a not too subtle clue about… something… though. 😀
Don’t get *too* silly!
*too* silly? I’m entirely sure I do not quite understand you, you seem to be telling us not to do something that should, by definition, be impossible, within the constraints of this here establishment, engineered and enacted especially endeavoring to entertain and amuse and alliterate (no, wait! That last part is just this last part, isn’t it? Oh well), it is a redundant and silly and redundant statement in and of itself, made all the worse by perpetuating the very thing it instructs us to limit (wait, that’s redundant), much like much of much lauded Monty Python, it does not make sense, it is just silly… 😀
Yeah, I tried to see how much silliness I was capable of. I firmly believe that as long as the silliness does not get repetitive, it does not stop being funny. I don’t think I did very well – but I had fun writing that! 🙂
And maybe you meant in the comic, not in the comments, in which case your statement does make sense – Magellanverse is not a silly universe and it would be bad for suspension of disbelief to introduce too much universe silliness. The characters within it can be silly though, e.g. Ranger Bill, maybe The Man Who Is Picky (prickly?) About His Codename. See, this possibility very much includes codenames.
I guess they’re siblings. What was interpreted as flirting last page may just as well have been teasing.
‘Toi’ is the objective second-person, much as ‘moi’ is objective first-person. ‘Tu’ is subjective.
Although, “j’accuse!” is the traditional French accusatory phrase.
Is it Saturday yet? 🙃