PaRARGdox 88
Senseless violence: Don’t be rude to She-Hog, she won’t like it if you’re rude to her! A very fun page to write and draw, but quite complex and time consuming in execution!
Patrons: Over on Patreon page 89 is now up… page 90 will be up later today/tomorrow… 😎
Next update: Wednesday December 23: Euro-Magellan recon team touch down in the disaster zone.
Of course you’re on the same page. Same panel, even.
I’ll show myself out.
“Continuity Police! Your name ‘Kruger’? If not, then 4th wall breaking is a violation. We’ll let you off with a warning *this* time. Move along!”
“page 90 will be up later today/tomorrow” I’m voting for ‘today’, if that’ll help sway your decision 😉
“Wade Wilson”
And somewhere, Miss Piggy reads this with tears of joy in her eyes.
Piggy: Kermie?
Kermit: Yes, Piggy?
Piggy: Say ‘Ribbit’ for me?
Kermit: I actually don’t speak that dialect of Phr-
Kermit: Uh, *gulp*, Ribbit?
Piggy: *sigh* I love you, Kermie…
Kermit: I love you too, Piggy. (Although I’m pretty sure I got the emphasis wrong…)
Please, please tell me, Grace, on all that is holy and right with the world, that THIS was the planned joke all along.. Because… THats.. AWESOME… Its worth at least a thousand Kilopuns….
Yes, the appropriate unit of measuremnt for that is Punnage… and if i continue with that, it will be me that gets pun-ished
I would love to say I had fiendishly crafted this massive jape of porcine/ranine punnery years in advance… but all the connections only occurred to me about a day after I drew the initial transformation sequence a few pages back. I sure did lol though! At least I saw it before anyone pointed it out to me 😀 😀
So what you are saying is this is totally Punnish-ment?
I hope the frog starts the defenses now, since they have already started firing. I’m also really wondering about their power since I’ve learned to not presuppose about a characters’ sex.
Some good thinking, too bad for them they waited to fire.
Guard: (as She-Hog beats on him) Oy! Now we see the violence inherent in the Magellan system!!
Other guard: (Firing machine gun at her) Help! Help! We’re being oppressed!
That went far better than I expected.
They took the rest of Magellan USA by surprise. These two they attacked openly after announcing their presence.
I have to cut them a break every now and then… 🙂
Go!Anna totally spenced She-hog there. Don’t tell her, though. Even they are two peas in a pod, I don’t think she would like being compared to him.
That is really hard on the door and structure of the aircraft. Usually those doors open inward to keep them from being opened when not on the ground.
I was thinking that also. It’s gonna take some fixin’ before it’s safe to fly again. They’ve got some other things to take care of first.
It’s quite likely the airplane gets several hits during this fight anyway.
Ah, showing how she placed on Magellan USA. Simple but effective tactics and battle awareness.
In Panel 6, what happened to the operator of the Neutralizer? I first thought he was struck by SH, but she seems to be concentrating on disabling the weapon itself. Was he hit by a bullet from his own side?
He was hit by a ricochet from her left ear. She is hit by three bullets and one of them exited the frame in his direction.
You’re probably right. The three “pew” sound effects should indicate ricochets off SH’s durable skin, and we see three impact stars, but only two of the associated bullets. That longer lowest flight path, which I had thought was the incoming path of the second visible bullet, seems to actually be the deflection path of the third bullet into the unfortunate Neutralizer Gunman.