PaRARGdox 92
Going to war: Happy 2021, everyone! In case you don’t recognise the language being spoken in the last panel (and let’s face it, many wouldn’t)… it’s Esperanto… “Euro-Magellan, forever!”. So I guess this page doesn’t really tell you, dear reader, anything you don’t know already… sadly it is one of those characters-get-an-exposition-dump necessities. Anyway, everyone it caught up now… more or less. Now you know that they know!
Patrons: Over on Patreon page 95 is now up… page 96 will be up by tomorrow… 😎
Next update: Wednesday January 13, 2021: Olga, Olaf and rarg… oh my!
Sometimes the story needs to do pages like this. You just need to get the characters upto speed on events.
Yeah, without pages like this you raise suspicion that characters have fourth-wall-breaking powers … it’s important for them to communicate, and for us to see what they know – which may not be as much as WE know.
Happy to be wrong about the recon. Wonder what kind of weapons they have that are working. Maybe conventional firearms still work?
Knives? Swords?
Try RPGs, assault rifles, UZIs, and… rocket launchers?
Another Olaf page incoming?
Shall I whip up some more backstage tidbits, or do folks not particularly care?
I was thinking about my original concept for Olaf’s origin story, if that’s alright.
Well, I always care 🙂 … and I’ll send you those pages today.
I always love hearing about them too!
I care too, I don’t expect my interest to dwindle anytime soon!
Please bite my tid! I love to have my tid bit.
Olaf and Rarg… and now I wonder if he’d be able to resurrect one or more and have *them* fight for him…
(Yeah, they have to “consent” to the resurrection – so it really depends on just how much survival instinct individual Rarg have?)
Esparanto? I guess it’s one way to deal with the different languages in Europe, but it means moving from a language that some members may not speak fluently to a language no one speaks fluently. Wonder how many cadets tried to get placed in Magellan USA instead just to not have to deal with the new language.
(Actually, post-Brexit, would Brittain be having a team separate of Euro Magellan? 😀 )
The Euro- team members using might suggest a wider adoption in Earth Magellan than in the RW.
I find it more likely that Euro Magellan was formed when knowledge of English wasn’t as widespread as it is today and Esperanto still seemed like a good idea. So Euro Magellan was formed in Esperanto, and their motto and a bunch of internal documents are still in Esperanto, but nowadays they mostly use English – but at least their leader, possibly all team members, has to know Esperanto. And this particular leader happened to learn it and English at the same time, so she uses a bit of both.
Maybe there is a more widespread adoption of Esperanto in Magellanverse than in our universe. But then why? Best explanation I can think of: Euro Magellan went with it and popularized it. But Grace may have a far more interesting reason than this in mind.
For those never exposed to any foreign language Esperanto is basically a mish-mash of Romance languages with better spelling than French, which is the bastard child of Latin and Gallic. If you speak Spanish, Italian, Romany, or Portugese, you can at least understand more than 90% of Esperanto and even if the only foreign language you know is Esperanto speakers of Romance languages can probably follow instructions you give in Esperanto.
“The Poet!”, he declared. “Bring him!”
(from one of the Chapter vignettes in GURPS Powers) Just leaped to mind😁
Did you mean “zoccola” in that panel? Lol naughty naughty :p
The Esperanto makes me think of how I have a Twitter thing where I’m posting translations I’ve made of my comic’s logo (imagining having the money to get people to translate the entire comic, or at least being popular enough to consider that option), one of them being Esperanto (because why not conlangs, too). Magellan is a bit smarter of a name in this regard, because it can be used with a vast majority of languages unaltered, being a proper name.
I was trying to also work in a joke with Charisma wondering why the Euros were pronouncing Magellan as “məɡɛlən” not “mədʒɛlən” to highlight the linguistic differences in how the name is said. But it just wasn’t going to work… so I had her wanting to punch something instead.
I think that the punching joke has more visceral undertones anyway (which I think is better); since Charisma probably won’t be ALLOWED to punch anything right now given her current condition.