PaRARGdox 97
She-Hog & Full-Metal Frog vs Prometheus Corp!: OK, back to the frog and the hog, last seen in the sequence starting on page 7.87. While I suspect it might have been fun to see them mop the floor with some Prometheus goons, let’s just agree that it was indeed awesome and move on. Given She-Hog’s strength and high degree of invulnerability, it was a swift process… leaving little for Full-Metal Frog to deal with. And the rest of the team She-Hog refers to is, of course, Magellan USA… seen in a bad way following on from the scenes starting on page 7.73.
Patrons: Over on Patreon page 99 is now up… page 100 should go up in 12 hours… 😎
Next update: Wednesday February 3, 2021: “KNOCK KNOCK!” (I can’t believe we’re almost in February already!!)
Goodness, these Prometheus goons should know better than to denigrate a lady’s appearance. Quite uncouth. That’ll get you thrown out of the smoking room! (With this lady, literally.)
“froggy biffo 🐸” 🤣
So . . . given Grace’s track record, and how dark this chapter has been on the whole . . . how much stock are we putting in the “guaranteed their deaths” threat, fellow readers?
Someone from Magellan USA’s gotta be around to warn Jones about the device at the beginning of the story. If it’s these two, then the Prometheus CEO must be a monologuer to provide that intel.
Yeah, I wondered about that. Everybody’s a goner after that, so 🤷 I note that Ms. Dion seems to be following typical supervillain tropes so far…
A threat like that isn’t exactly useful when you make it *after*.
Also, they’re the attackers.
I find tit unlikely. The Prometheus lady seems intent on blaming everything on Magellan. She will probably be able to get them on trespassing even if she fails. But if, after imprisoning them she kills them, she will get in trouble regardless.
So I think the whole plan is to depower and put in regular prison, kill only if nescessary. At this point, killing the depowered ones is not nescessary.
Of course with superheroes, She-Hog’s response could easily have been, “No, Disgusting Freakshow was a year ahead of me at Magellan.”
Too good for that goon to get off that easy.
Let’s see. Magellan USA is recognized in the US as a law-enforcement agency that handles things that traditional police can not handle, like supervillains and international organized crime. These bozos have assaulted and abducted several Magellan USA members without cause. They sent heavily-armed guards against the Magellan USA aircraft and its occupants. If you do that with members of the FBI, you are looking at serious jail time, possibly the death penalty, even if nobody dies.
If you want to exercise your rights in the US and have law-enforcement off your private property, you can ask them to leave, even if already on the premises. The officers will understand once you ask them to leave, anything they might witness or want to collect as evidence would be inadmissible in court, unless they are actively intervening in a criminal activity at the time; it is too late to ask the cops to leave if they witness someone being beaten up in your building. However, at no time do your rights to private property allow you commit multiple felonies directly against the police, as seen here.
She-Hog and FMF have full justification for the use of force due to self-defense. What happens next will be likely acting on sensible (if not reliable) information of persons being criminally held against their will with a viable threat of death to enter the building and recover their team-mates, then they can call for assistance from local law-enforcement (mostly the tactical units) to assist in arresting all persons acting in a criminal matter.
Look at it from Prometheus’ (admittedly paranoid) perspective. Powered people are clearly a threat to law and order – how can you have laws when a percentage of the population can’t be punished for breaking them? When Magellan appeared on the scene, of course they had to be given badges – who else could enforce the law upon the powered? But since then, they’ve done nothing but acquire power and privilege for themselves, even to the point of denying the common people technologies that would permit them to hold their own against supers. Prometheus is doing its patriotic duty by standing up to the oppression of the tyrannical powered agenda as embodied by their ruthless enforcers, Magellan USA!
You claim Prometheus stole technologies from Magellan? Only if you acknowledge that Magellan has any right to keep wormhole technology a secret, which Prometheus does not. You claim they’ve assaulted law enforcement? Only if you kowtow to Magellan’s bullying their way into being acknowledged as legitimate law enforcement, which Prometheus does not. You claim Prometheus is threatening the world? It seems to them that the Rarg are attacking Magellan, not Prometheus. Who’s to say that it isn’t Magellan that’s the threat to humanity?
Magnus Magellan saved the world from demon invasion, and for that we are grateful – to Magnus Magellan, who is dead, NOT to his self-styled inheritors, who seek to cow humanity into submission and subservience. In Greek myth, Prometheus was the one god who loved humanity, enough to give them the gift of fire, and the gods punished him with eternal torment. We take his name, because we love humanity, and we will use the fire of science to free man from his oppressors!
You makes some good points, but if not Magellan who do you think can handle super villains like Sista Superior or super threats like the Rarg? Maybe if Prometheus Corps hit someone like Sista Superior with their null ray it would be game over, but there are some very cunning and ruthless bad guys who could sneak into Prometheus Corps and destroy it from within. And I wouldn’t be surprised if there might be some there already. I imagine a weapon that can nullify their powers is not in their best interests. If Ms. Dion isn’t arrested she could end up dead by their hands. Ultimately, people like the late CEO and current CEO make arguments similar to Lex Luthor, but at the end of the day they really don’t want super heroes to foil their own schemes which only ever benefit themselves.
Well said, if obviously self-deluded, heh. But it definitely illustrates a valuable perspective. It also gives an interesting idea… what if someone activated a world-wide version of the power suppressor? What happens to the Magellanverse then? Alien threats clearly still exist, but would the human race not be able to stand united against them (under better circumstances than this present invasion, naturally)?
Grace, it’s honestly a lot funnier cutting straight to the end of She-Hog’s rampage, especially with everyone running away. It seems like she probably laid waste to them in seconds. Also, I love that Prometheus clearly was not prepared for her
Also, I imagine that while the Epochs are probably stronger than She-hog, I also imagine they’d still walk away with a nasty bruise if She-Hog managed to land a punch on them
Epoch himself almost certainly is stronger. Charisma… hard to say. I had the impression that SH might be the tougher of the two of them, just based on the extra mass, but 🤷♂️