She deserves it.
But honestly, I’d hope that the Master Assassin promotes her to Potential Alpha status when he realizes she’s taking Vertigo’s position on the Force Magellan roster.
A Rise to Prominence storyline is totally a solid narrative, particularly in the superheroics genre. I mean, aside from -knowing- Kaycee is the Alpha, it often feels like she’s sharing that position with Go!Anna, straight from Chapter 1. And Kaycee’s origin story -is- Go!Anna’s story, so the two are so tightly entwined, that I think it’s kind of fair to say they share Alpha’hood.
She deserves it.
But honestly, I’d hope that the Master Assassin promotes her to Potential Alpha status when he realizes she’s taking Vertigo’s position on the Force Magellan roster.
A Rise to Prominence storyline is totally a solid narrative, particularly in the superheroics genre. I mean, aside from -knowing- Kaycee is the Alpha, it often feels like she’s sharing that position with Go!Anna, straight from Chapter 1. And Kaycee’s origin story -is- Go!Anna’s story, so the two are so tightly entwined, that I think it’s kind of fair to say they share Alpha’hood.