Satisfyingly silly, yet supremely useful. She puts it to good use here and depending on her limits, and how hard it is to block, she might be extremely valuable in encounters with villains on the loose.
Considering how many powers require intense concentration to use and how hard it is to think of anything when you REALLY gotta go, not a bad power at all when you’re trying to stop an inmate acting up! It’ll completely disrupt their tantrum for a good five minutes, giving the guards plenty of time to come up with a solution to the problem.
Oh, I LIKE her!
Charisma, dear, just because someone’s power is low-key and subtle doesn’t mean they can’t make you pretty darn miserable….
I love this character & her silly power.
Satisfyingly silly, yet supremely useful. She puts it to good use here and depending on her limits, and how hard it is to block, she might be extremely valuable in encounters with villains on the loose.
Considering how many powers require intense concentration to use and how hard it is to think of anything when you REALLY gotta go, not a bad power at all when you’re trying to stop an inmate acting up! It’ll completely disrupt their tantrum for a good five minutes, giving the guards plenty of time to come up with a solution to the problem.
Once again, very satisfying.