Considering he’s still holding a grudge a decade later, I’d say even if he had powers he probably failed the psych exam. It’s been said hundreds of people get rejected for cadetship every year and yet this guy is acting like he would have been the next Epoch. He’s like one of those dudes who keeps thinking 10, 20, 30 years down the line he would have been able to get the winning touchdown that would have sent the team to the state championships in high school when in reality he never got off the bench to play.
Someone who stays frozen in time like that with their thinking would be difficult to adapt, change their mindset, and work well with others, making the idea of him being a cadet pretty hard to take. For all that Charisma and Lyta have their issues, at least they’re ever so slowly working on them. As we see later on in this storyline, Donovan has a very cruel streak in him and trouble taking responsibility for his actions. With all that in mind, it’s small wonder Magellan rejected him as a cadet.
Considering some of the people who DID make the grade, I can’t imagine how unheroable this guy has to be to not make it.
For all we know, Donovan is a “norm.” It’s pretty difficult for an unpowered person to get in, given all the doubts about Kaycee.
Considering he’s still holding a grudge a decade later, I’d say even if he had powers he probably failed the psych exam. It’s been said hundreds of people get rejected for cadetship every year and yet this guy is acting like he would have been the next Epoch. He’s like one of those dudes who keeps thinking 10, 20, 30 years down the line he would have been able to get the winning touchdown that would have sent the team to the state championships in high school when in reality he never got off the bench to play.
Someone who stays frozen in time like that with their thinking would be difficult to adapt, change their mindset, and work well with others, making the idea of him being a cadet pretty hard to take. For all that Charisma and Lyta have their issues, at least they’re ever so slowly working on them. As we see later on in this storyline, Donovan has a very cruel streak in him and trouble taking responsibility for his actions. With all that in mind, it’s small wonder Magellan rejected him as a cadet.